Chapter 24:

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Chapter 24:

We took Johnny's to Ponyboy's laid him down on the couch and I sat with him. I refused to leave his side. "Johnny what happened?" I asked him looking down at him. I grabbed his hand and then realized he had a gash on it. "Darry can you come here?" I yelled. "Yes I'll be right there,Emily." answered Darry,casually. A few moments later, Darry came over to me and asked me what was up and I pointed to Johnny's hand. "I could just pound in Randy's head..." I muttered under my breath. "I'll get the stuff to treat be right back."said Darry. "Johnny how did this happen?" I asked him,again. "I went home to check and see if things were alright and my dad started hitting me, so I left and thought I would take a walk but I was by myself and Randy's friends got to me. They said I had to pay for what happened to Randy and Bob."said Johnny looking up at me . Darry came back in and started to clean up the gash while I kept Johnny,company.

It had been two hours since Darry cleaned the gash and put on a bandage. I checked on Johnny's hand every once in awhile.I was still sitting with Johnny on the couch but he finally fell asleep. "Is he asleep yet?" yelled Darry to me,checking on Johnny. "He's asleep you can go to work. I will be here." I answered Darry who was getting ready to go into nodded and told me to be careful, and then said, "Soda will be home later tonight. Pony and Arizona should be back soon,too." I nodded and waved to Darry as he left for a later shift of work. I looked down at a sleeping Johnny and thought to and Evie dragged Steve and Two Bit into the house where Johnny and I were. "Sit down, drunks!" said Evie pushing her boyfriend,Steve to sit down along with Two Bit. They were drunk not a surprise I thought to myself.

Sorry it was so short but the Cally and wedding are coming which will be longer.

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