Chapter 19:

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A/N: I don't own Johnny and the greasers(and other character). That is the amazing S.E Hinton. I don't own Arizona Carin. She is copyrighted to Moniquian Rose and she is her character from We're in the outsiders? I only own Emily Winston,Kayla Matthews and Jemily(JohnnyxEmily).

A/N: Parizona(PonyxArizona) is also property of Moniquian Rose. She came up with the couple and the name. Copyrights are above. Feel free to review! If you have any ideas for the Jemily(JohnnyxEmily) wedding, please comment them!

Chapter 19:

Time was passing fast and there was only a week left until the wedding. Johnny and I had been planning like crazy same with Pony and Arizona. Johnny and I were happy as ever right was preparing for something big. For Pony,Arizona,Johnny, and I it was the wedding. For Soda,Steve and Darry they were always preparing for work. For Dallas, he was preparing for Cherry at the wedding. Evie and Kayla were preparing for bridesmaids stuff for the wedding and more.

Johnny and I were lying down together in the vacant lot, looking up at the stars,romantically. "It's pretty isn't it,Babes?" asked Johnny gesturing to the star. "Yes very pretty." I said in reply to Johnny's question. We were now holding hands and looking towards the beautiful sky and stars. "You know I never liked this kinda stuff until you and Pony kept showing me. I don't think I really knew to say about it before."I said out of nowhere. "Uh huh I get it." said Johnny in reply. "I heard your brother has some plans to get Cherry."Johnny said weirdly after that. "Yes he is. I don't know if they will work. He thinks he is a total ladies' man." I said,laughing. The two of us laid there,laughing and holding hands. "I love you." I told Johnny. "I know." he replied simply. I smiled and looked over at Johnny. " I can't believe I didn't tell I looked you until I a few weeks ago. I must have loved you for years only I'm such a stupid fool. I didn't know it." I said to Johnny. Johnny looked at me weirdly and said " I don't care how long it took you to know. I just wanted to know and I do now." "You understand me better than anyone,Johnny Cade." I told him and I grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. Once again like ever other time we kissed, sparks flew. I loved that feeling. " You know Babes, there's no place I would rather be than with you." Johnny told me after we finished. "You're too sweet." I said looking into Johnny's deep,brown eyes.


"I love you, I know."-Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa, Star Wars:The Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi, copyright to Star Wars and Han/Leia

"I must have loved you for years only I'm such a stupid fool. I didn't know it."-Scarlett,Gone With The Wind,copyright to Gone With the wind.

"There's no place I'd rather be."-Rather Be by Clean Bandit, copyright to Clean Bandit and the song Rather Be

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