Chapter Twenty Six

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"I missed you so much. I'm sorry I haven't visited you lately, there's just so much going on with--" I started but she cut me off.

"Babe, slow down, yeah? Let's sit and catch up for a while," she smiled warmly at me.

And talk we did.

We started to talk from anything to everything. It was just like that with her, easy. It's like I could tell her my darkest, deepest secret and she'd listen with so much insterest.

She asked me about the thing about Harry and I told her everything that had happened. She just rubbed my back and asked me if I was okay now and told her I was.

"How about you? Do you, like, have someone when the nights get lonely?" I wiggled my brows suggestively at her and she gaped at me.

"Oh my-- Eleanor! You did not just ask me about my sex life?" she asked.

"I did not! I was asking if you have someone to cuddle every night! Like a boyfriend or something," I giggle.

"I refuse to believe that's what you meant," she narrowed her eyes at me. "But anyway, to answer your question, yes, I do have a boyfriend."

I squealed. My aunt's a beautiful woman. She takes care and carry herself very well, you wouldn't guess she's 32. With her long wavy dirty blonde hair and her sexy curves, she'd pass for a 26.

She talked about his boyfriend in a very comical way that one would easily tell she's in so deep. Her eyes sparkled as she mention his name and he wasn't even in the room. And then I wondered if I looked like that when I talk about Louis.

"Aunt Clara?"

"Yes, hun?" she asked softly.

"Do you love him?" I asked.

"Very much so," her smile widened with a content sigh. "Why did you ask?"

"I was just wondering," I looked up from where I was staring at the ground, "... how do you know when you're inlove?"

She paused for a brief moment, like she was thinking of right words of how to put it. "Well--" she was cut off when the doorbell once again rang all throughout the house.

"Just a moment." I said before taking off towards the door and swung it open.

"Miss Eleanor Calder?" A guy wearing a white with blue detailed-uniform stood infront of me.


"Delivery from Mr. Louis Tomlinson." he said showing a bouquet of red roses to me before making me sign a paper confirming I have received it.

I took the flowers and only then was I reminded about Louis' text. He sent me flowers, what a romantic guy. I smiled sweetly at the thought.

I went back inside, still smiling while looking at the flowers.

"So, Louis Tomlinson, huh?" Aunt Clara asked clearly hearing the name from the delivery guy.

I blushed, "No he's not-- we're not yet-- um. Well, yeah. I don't know." I blushed even more.

"Ah," she nodded her head. "Tell me more about this Louis."

I laid the flowers on the coffee table and sat back down beside her, making a mental note to thank Louis later before answering, "Well, Louis' not my boyfriend--"

"Yet?" She asked.

"Yet." I confirmed, "Louis is a very, very sweet guy."

"I can tell." She said gesturing to the flowers.

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