Chapter 1 | Project I Will Go To Church Every Sunday

Start from the beginning

Yet, when everyone heard he was taking part in this year game, every taken/single/ virgin and non-virgins girls were thrilled to know that Lorenzo was taking part.

As we know it would not be true game if there was no prize to be won. Well lucky for everyone there was one and the prize for taking the chosen girl's virginity was popularity, however, with Lorenzo, I did not understand as to why he would volunteer to take part after all, he was already popular and had every girl he could ever want available to him and they sure as hell wouldn't have minded careless sex.

However, If the chosen guy could claim the chosen girl's virginity under one month, that guy would automatically become worshiped by all, a legend for all eternity but if he was not able to take the girl's virginity at all...then...I actually did not know what was to happen.

It had never happened before and it surely wouldn't start with Lorenzo, but he might be the first to take the girl's virginity under one month though, after all, he was sex on legs.

So now you understand why I couldn't understand why anyone would be happy to be 'the chosen girl'. It might be all about the fame or to brag that you had sex with the chosen guy.

It all seemed pathetic to me why anyone would want to lose their virginity to a game. I strongly believed that your first time was meant to be with someone who you actually loved and not some guy who wanted to claim your virginity for the sake of winning a game and gaining popularity from that.

"Alex!" I heard a familiar voice yell my name out from across the field. I quickly rushed into the person arms known as my best friend.

I shrieked, "Sophia! When did you get back? I thought you are only coming back next week."

She laughs quietly, her baby blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "I wanted to surprise um surprise." She gave me a lopsided grin and waved her arms in the air like some lunatic.

I cracked a smile at her childish antics and immediately lost it when I realized something. "But you are not safe here. Did you forget about Project 1000? It begins today and you are not safe with being a virgin and all,"

I ran my hand through my thick dark brown hair and winced a bit when a fingernail got stuck in one of the many knots in my hair.

Sophia averted her gaze while she chewed nervously on her bottom lip, her cheeks turning a bright pink color. She tried angling her face away from me in hopes that I would not have noticed the sudden change of color in her face. But I did.

"About that...I lost my virginity," she muttered hurriedly.

My jaw dropped in bewilderment; I was utterly baffled by the situation at hand. No, maybe I heard wrong, yes that must be it.

"You lost your virginity!" I screeched in horror as I tried composing myself when she repeated what she had previously said about her losing her virginity.

She made a ssh gesture with her index finger, for me to quiet down. "You are speaking too loud."

I ignored her gesture for me to keep quiet and started assaulting her with thousands of questions. "What do you mean you are no longer a virgin? Who did you lose it to? When did you lose your virginity?"

She sighed whilst grabbing my arm in a tight grip, her nails digging into my skin as she pulled me towards the nearest bathroom.

Once we were inside the locked cubicle, she began her explanation.

She took in a deep breath. "I am no longer a virgin meaning I had sex with someone and I lost my virginity during the holiday before senior year," she answered my questions, one by one but I did not miss the fact that she failed to mention who was the guy that took her virginity.

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