Chapter 19: Time To Forget

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You followed Yoongi and Dr. Kim out of your room and into the hall of the hospital. All three of you made it to Hoseok's room. The room number tag read "218." You took a deep breath and pushed the handle, opening the door. The scent of medications and disinfectants hit you. You found Hoseok sitting on top of his own hospital bed sipping on some kind of soup. He turned his head towards all three of you guys as you entered the room.

Hoseok noticed you first. "Look who's here, my best friend, Y/N!" He laughed. "Ahh, Yoongi, how are you doing? Hello, Dr Kim."

You started to feel your eyes burn once again. Hoseok is finally happy, without you this time. You could see his smile was as bright as the sun now. No anger, violence, jealousy remains. He was entirely pure and radiant. This was the man you loved.

"H-Hoseok, y-you're o-okay now," you couldn't help but cry.

"Of course I am, aww don't cry, did you miss me that much, Y/N?" He grinned.

You knew your few minutes were up. You had to leave, but you didn't want to. You couldn't see this beautiful person ever again for his sake. You couldn't be in his life anymore. You knew he'll find someone else eventually, but you couldn't let him go like that. He would forever be in you heart. You regret all the times you took him for granted. This was it, Hoseok will be nothing but a memory one day.

"Hoseok... I have to go now... I love you," you stared at him eyes full of tears.

"All right, Y/N. Hey, stop crying already." He brought his hand to your face and wiped away the tears. "You're acting like you'll never see me again or something. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." You smiled through the lie.

You walked towards the door. Yoongi and Dr. Kim both decided to stay a bit longer to chat. You turned your head towards Hoseok one more time to look at his peaceful face.

Goodbye Jung Hoseok. I'll never forget everything we had.

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