Chapter 9: Sober

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"Soo... where's drink that you promised me?" You turned from your seat to face Hoseok. You've been in the car long enough to sober up and to stop slurring your words.

Hoseok continued to stare at the road ahead as he drove, ignoring your comment.

You sighed, aware that he was upset. The moment that he started driving Hoseok had turned serious, and somewhat disappointed.

"Sorry, trying to lighten up the mood..." You laughed nervously.

Again, Hoseok didn't reply.

"I know you're mad, but can you at least acknowledge that I'm here?"


You sighed and turned on some music. This was going to be a long ride.


By the time the car had stopped you had fell asleep. You felt arms wrapping around your body and carrying you out of the vehicle. The air that hit you was cold and freezing, nothing compared to the cozy car. However, the chill did not last long. Your surroundings changed and a pleasant, warm air encompassed you, ridding the numbness that lingered on your skin. Whoever was holding you gently placed you on a comfortable, soft surface that your instincts knew was a bed. You gradually drifted off into a sleep.


After what seemed like only a few seconds, you woke up. The moment you sat up it felt as if someone had slammed your head against a brick wall. You held your head in agony.

A door knob turned and a familiar figure approached you.

"Well, that's what you get for drinking so much," Hoseok noted as he held out a mug of tea. "Here, it'll help," he offers it to you.

You took the mug gingerly and brought it to your lips. You sipped it slowly. Almost, instantly the pain started to melt away. "Thanks," was all you managed to say.

You didn't know where you were until your eyes explored the room. The wall were painted beige and you currently sat on top of a large bed built out of cherry wood which were lined with white sheets and pillows. A white rug accompanied the sheets. In the corner, sat a small desk with a laptop. Several documents were scattered among the surface. Your eyes then found a small clock that read 3:15 am. How long were you asleep for? Why were you in Hoseok's room and not your own?

Hoseok broke the silence, and as if he read your mind he simply explained, "I decided to bring you back here since it would worry me for you to be alone at your place. I know I should've asked you first, but I didn't want to wake you up and you..."

"It's okay," you cut him off mid sentence and gave him a small smile. "I'm just glad you're talking to me again."

Hoseok sat down on the bed next to you and looked down at the floor. "You know I can't ever be mad at you. I'm just always worried that you'll get yourself hurt running off with that fool."

What? Who? Did he mean Yoongi? "Yoongi...left..." You trailed off.

He didn't answer and you understood that it meant there wasn't a need to explain.

"I got drunk too back then... thought everything was over." Hoseok started.

You were confused for a second of what he was talking about. Then guilt suddenly knotted in your stomach. Oh no.

"Hoseok.. I.. I didn't," you began.

"Y/N, it doesn't matter. It was the past anyways. I could never be as good as him."

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