Chapter 18: Othello Syndrome

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"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Min, but according to my records you are familiar with a Jung Hoseok, correct?" Dr. Kim asked Yoongi.

Yoongi pulled his hand away from yours, to your disappointment. The warmth that you felt was replaced by cold air.

"Y-Yes, I know Jung Hoseok," Yoongi replied. "Is he okay, now?"

"He is still asleep at the moment... However, I have some important information that I would like to share with you? Are you willing to listen?"

"Yes, of course."

"Um, is it alright if it's shared with me as well?" You hesitantly asked.

"What is your relationship with the patient?"

"... Former partner," you replied.

Dr. Kim skimmed through his papers to check your relationship with Hoseok. "Ahh, I see," he noted once he found his verification. "Alright, it seems that Mr. Jung is not in the best condition right now... It seems that he is suffering from Othello syndrome."

"Othello syndrome?" Both you and Yoongi asked in unison.

"Yes, it is a disorder where the patient is constantly forced to believe that his or her partner is lacking fidelity or in other words, cheating. This disorder may lead to violent actions or accusations towards the partner."

You gasped in shock.

Dr. Kim continued, "The reason behind this syndrome may be because of a past relationship or partner. Whatever had occurred in the past that had lead to an intense heartbreak would form mental scars, which is when the syndrome would start to develop. The patient becomes more possessive as time passes by. Mr. Jung is currently in the late stages of Othello syndrome."

"Is there a cure or treatment?" blurted Yoongi.

"Sadly, there is no permanent cure at the moment. However, your case is different. It seems when Mr. Jung lost consciousness due to impact to his skull he had lost a majority of his recent memories."

"So, what does that mean?" You asked, wanting to know what would happen to Hoseok.

"It means that Mr. Jung may have possibly forgot about his previous relationships that he has been involved with, therefore canceling the symptoms of Othello syndrome."

"Doesn't that mean he's all cure once he wakes up?"

"Not necessarily, if the trigger is present with him for too long, in this case his former partner," Dr. Kim looks at you, "he would start to remember, which means the syndrome would come back."

"So I can't even see him anymore?" this time it was for you to blurt out.

"Yes, you are correct, but a few minutes would not trigger him." Dr. Kim assured.

You couldn't believe this. Everything was your fault. The reason Hoseok was acting like that was all because of you. If you stayed with Hoseok in the past and was never selfish this wouldn't have happened. You had to see Hoseok, even if it was for a few minutes.

"Could I see him?" You asked.

Yoongi looked at you. "Y/N, are you sure?"

You nodded. Before, you went to see Hoseok you had to remove the needles in your arm. Dr. Kim called in a few nurses to do so. In a few minutes, you were detached from all the medications.

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