Chapter 13: Jealous

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"Two coffees, please," you ordered. The sweet and warm aroma of the delectable pastries diffused into the cafe as you stood by the counter patiently waiting for your beverages.

It has been three months since you had started your rekindled relationship with Hoseok. The first two months seemed like a dream. The mornings started with breakfast in bed and cute pecks on the cheeks. If you were ever sick Hoseok made sure to skip work and take extra care of you. He showed how much he loved you through small gestures such as bringing flowers and gifts. You loved it and you made sure to thank him every time. However, this last month, you hate to admit, was awful. You two began to argue. He became annoyed when you were browsing through your phone too often. He always threw tons of questions at you if you came home late from work. Of course, relationships have a few bumps here and there and it was normal. This was different though. You could sense that this wasn't right, but you ignored your instincts thinking that you were probably imagining things.

"Two coffees?" called the waitress as she placed them on the counter.

You dismissed your thoughts and grabbed your order. With one drink in each hand, you began making your way over to the tables. Hoseok made sure to save a table for the both of you while you were ordering since it was quite hectic at this time of the day. Your eyes scanned the small interior of the cafe, and you spotted Hoseok waving to you at a seat. You walked over and smiled.

"Here you g- Aghh it's hot" You were about to set down the two drinks, but someone bumped into you causing the scorching liquid to come in contact with your skin. It seared your hand leaving it pink and raw, but you covered it with your other hand hoping Hoseok wouldn't notice.

"Are you okay? Let me see," Hoseok worriedly grabbed your hand.

"No, it's fine," you reassured and swiftly pulled away from his grasp.

Hoseok gave you a look of concern, but you avoided his gaze. After the previous thoughts you had about him, you couldn't look him in the eye, much less touch him. You pulled out a seat from under the table and sat down across from him. Wondering what time it was, you dug through your purse to fish out your phone from your bag.

"What are you doing?" asked Hoseok.

"Oh, I'm just checking to see what time it is," you replied nonchalantly.

"Are you texting someone?" he persisted.

You glanced up from your screen. There it is, Hoseok wore an expression of twisted annoyance on his face. You were a bit curious and wanted to take things further to see his reaction.

"So, what if I am?" you shot back.

Hoseok raised his eyebrows, "Well, I mean it's rude to talk to other guys right now when your with your boyfriend," he crossed his arms.

What the heck? Why is he being so sensitive? "Who said it was a guy, huh? What is your problem these days, Hoseok?"

Hoseok looked surprised and then commented, "I'm not the one with the problems."

Now you're starting to get pissed. "What is that supposed to mean? Why are you always jumping to conclusions about me talking to other guys?"

"I'm not the one constantly cheating. Don't lie to me, Y/N, I can tell you're always on your phone texting and then giggling at the messages. Then, you always come home late from work and avoid my questions. Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I don't know what's going on?!?"

"Why do you always have to know every little thing I do? Do you even trust me anymore?" You angrily spoke and slammed the table causing the beverages to tip over, spilling over the edge. The customers near your table turned their attention to you, staring with interest of what is going on.

"You know what, I'm leaving," You stood up from your seat, grabbed your purse and proceeded to sling it over your shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere where you're not." With that, you exited the cafe into the streets of Seoul.

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