Chapter 3: Leaving

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What? "Wait, did I do something wrong? Why are you only telling me now? You mean that trainee girl who keeps hitting on you?" You attacked him with questions, confusion clearly appearing on your face.

"No, Y/N, you didn't do anything. I've decided to move to the states to pursue my career and many companies had demanded that Minju and I should create a song and appear on a show together."

"Well, then why can't I come along?" You reasoned.

"It's already too late. I'm leaving in a hour... and.... I don't need relationships to drag me down right now." He shamefully commented the last part.

Your eyes circled the room and spotted two suitcases neatly resting next to the door. It had looked like he had been prepared for a while. You could not believe what was happening. In only a matter of minutes, your world was crumbling apart. Your heart began to ache for every breath you took. You began to swallow a lump in your throat. So this is what it feels like.

"F-fine, if I'm dragging you down then g-go," You stuttered uncontrollably, "I bet Minju will be t-thrilled to hear that you're s-single now." Don't cry, not in front of him.

At the sound of your stuttering Yoongi quickly glanced up. His face softened with concern. "Please don't cry, Y/N, I don't want to see you like this. It hurts me too."

"Then why are you leaving!?! I thought we could celebrate today! But no, you're leaving me for that girl! You yelled. Tears started to stream down from the corners of your eyes. They left a trail staining your face. Your bottom lip began to quiver, it didn't matter anymore though.

"I'm... " Yoongi took a deep breath. You weren't the only one. Yoongi was near tears as well because of you. "I'm so sorry." He quietly stood up and carefully took small steps towards you, as if you were a small animal that would run away if frightened. Once he reached you, Yoongi wrapped his arms around you. Your face was buried into his neck and you could smell the lingering cologne that you had bought for him as a gift a while back. "Please, don't be mad at me." He started stroking your hair attempting to comfort you.

Once you realized what he was doing you stood up quickly, pushing him off of you and started backing away from him. If he thinks I'm going to forgive him...

He didn't look surprised as you pulled away. It seemed as if he had expected this reaction. He started to walk towards you again as you continued backing up, still clearly in shock. This isn't real, Y/N, it's all a dream. Yoongi wouldn't do this to me. No, he wouldn't.

"Y/N, hear me out, okay? I don't want this to come between us. You know my dreams better than anyone else, and you know I have to follow them. I've thought about this for a while. I'm bad at expressing my emotions, but it's so hard for me to leave you. You're the only girl I've ever wanted and loved. I promise that no one will replace you. But I just have to go... I love you, Y/N, " Yoongi's pleading voice pulled you away from your thoughts.

At this point, your back had hit a wall and you've stopped moving. You didn't know how to reply to his words. A part of you wants to jump into his arms, kiss him, and forgive him. Even support his decision. But the other part of you believes that his words are nothing but lies, that he is leaving you for someone else, and that'll he'll be happy that he is thousands of miles away from you. At this moment, everything became a blur.

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