Chapter 2: Surprise?

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You strolled down the hectic streets that glistened with city lights and breathed in the night air. In your arms held the birthday cake, which you had picked out at the local bakery. It had a vanilla base smoothed over with white frosting, a variety of syrup glazed fruit was embedded on the top of the cake. As you maneuvered around the people that were roaming the streets of Seoul, you thought about Hoseok and his humorous personality that never fails to make you laugh. However, those thoughts were soon replaced with your boyfriend. You could not wait to see Yoongi. He had no idea that you had planned to surprise him.

Soon, your car had came into sight. You opened the door and gently placed the cake in the front seat and proceeded to open the driver's side of the door. Your face had started to hurt from smiling too much, but it could not have been helped. During the car ride, you were a hundred percent sure that nothing can ruin tonight. You had been planning this day for a while and everything was going to be perfect. You just knew it.

Within 20 minutes, the familiar view of your house appeared. You parked your car and took the cake out. Trying to be as silent as possible you slowly managed to balance the cake on one hand and dig into your purse for the keys in the other. You made your way up the steps to the front door and opened the door.

"Jagi! I'm back with a surpri-," you started, but abruptly stopped.

Yoongi sat at the dining table with his hands neatly folded. He wore an expressionless face and he was more pale than usual.

Huh? "Yoongi? Look I bought cake for your birthday!" You pointed to the cake box indicating that there was supposed to be a celebration.

No answer.

"Yah! Why are you being like this?" You frowned and worry began to knot in your stomach.

He let out a deep sigh. "Y/N, could you sit down? We need to talk."

What is wrong with him today? He was completely fine yesterday. You pulled out a chair and sat down placing the cake on the counter along the way.

"What?" You demanded, mildly irritated. So much for a surprise

He looked at you, "I don't think this is going to work," he quietly stated.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm leaving, Y/N" Yoongi replied with the same emotionless face. "And Minju is coming with me."

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