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Lin dragged the girl through the bathhouse, and the closer they got the the bathes the more voices you could hear, the more stuff flung through the air. She and Chihiro ducked just in tine to miss a flying plank of wood that almost hit their heads. She watched as it disappeared from view as it was flung up to higher levels. When the pair finally got to the main commotion it was much, much louder. In the center of it all was a tall woman, with short black hair that swooped down to just above her shoulders. She was wearing a black yukata with an intricate cherry blossom and leaf pattern. The bathhouse workers were crowded around her with their hands out, almost exactly like with No-Face. The woman was smiling happily as she filled their palms with gold.

"Isn't this great?" Lin said as she bent down quickly to face Chihiro, then looked back to the crowd. "She's even fixing the leftover damage No-Face caused!"

Chihiro didn't share that opinion, this woman is acting exactly like No-Face. She couldn't afford to have another monster in the bathhouse, she'd most definitely be fired! Or even killed! "Lin, she looks like trouble. Maybe we should tell her to leave, before she causes any damage."

"Don't worry, she won't." Haku replied, suddenly standing right next to them, blankly staring at her.

"JEEZ! Haku, holy- don't do that!" She yelled, and Haku laughed.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on one of your stupid missions or something?" Lin said, and put her hands on her hips.

"No. And I wanted to see what was going on. I should've known it was just her."

"Just her?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Do you know this person?" Chihiro asked, and turned towards Haku, who had his arms crossed, still looking at the crowd.

"She's... Ugh. My very distant cousin, but likes to act like we're siblings. She lives in a forest nearby. Her name's Ki No Majo."

"That's my name, don't wear it out. Although I prefer to just be called Majo. Ki No Majo is just to long, don't you think." The woman all of a sudden was right in front of the two, Lin had wandered off already. Her voice was very extravagant, and so were the hand motions she made while talking. Chihiro once again was startled but Haku looked annoyed. It seemed he really didn't like his distant cousin.

"Ugh, Majo, why are you here?" He asked.

"Are you kidding? I'm here for the Lotus festival! It's been so long since you last had one and you know it'll take much longer to set everything up without me! Besides it gives me an excuse into visit my favorite cousin!" Then she turned to Chihiro, and she had a surprised, yet confused look a on her face.

"A human?" Now it was Chihiro's turn to be surprised. Instead of the flamboyant voice she heard before, it had suddenly switched to that of a much shyer version of it with a British accent. "I thought there were only humans in the other realm, how did one get in here?"

"I-I um..." She looked down and tugged at her shirt nervously.

"She's guest, and a worker here. How she ended up in this realm in none of you're business." Haku put a protective arm in front of her as he said it. Majo's eyes darted in between the two, and she smiled.

"I see. " This time, her voice changed from a British to a French accent. "You two are very good friends, right? Well, I won't question any further." Her accent switched again, back to the British accent. "If you would, I would like to have a room near your friend here. I hope we can become good friends aswell. Now," Her voice changed to the voice she first had. "Everyone, please, return to your work. I will come back down tomorrow and say hello to all you!" The crowd nodded, and returned to their original places. Lin walked towards them, she had overheard the last parts of the conversation.

"You can stay in my room. It's right next to Sen's and have an extra futon." Chihiro gave a teasing look behind Majo's back. Really? I know you just want her gold. Lin sent one back saying, Oh yes I do. And your not getting any. Chihiro laughed at that.

"Well then." Majo said. "Please. Lead the way."

Spirited Away 2 : A Promise to Keep (Fan made)Where stories live. Discover now