Miserable Little Puppet... Chapter 46.

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He watched the sky...

He had been silent for quite some time...

He loved listening to the ocean... the wind... the seagulls... it had been a year now...
Actually... it had been three...

He had been quiet for three years... he couldn't even look at himself in the mirror...

He hated himself...
He despised himself...

Not even his fiance could bring him out of this awful feeling.... his children however... managed to get him to smile a few times...

Managed to make him happy....

He heard them behind him... the sweet children he loved so dearly as they ran up to him and yelled the name they had given him.
"Daddy! Daddy!"
He turned to them and smiled. "H...Hello Jethro... Saria... what's going on?"

He smiled at the small ones as they giggled and fell over while they ran to their father...
They had grown rather quickly and Jethro was starting to get old enough to go on an adventure...

Percy often had fears that SkinTaker would take his precious little ones away...

He hugged them tightly when they got to him and pet their orange/red hair.

"Gosh I love you kids..." He said gently and they giggled happily...
They both took after their parents...
They where beautiful... which didn't surprise you or Percy as you both thought they took after the other...
They where shy...
Protective of their friends and family but most of all...
They were cowards...
In fact...
they were the most cowardly cowards you had ever seen cower...

Percy had not gone along on an adventure for a while... or at least... not the scary ones... well... not the super scary ones...

Ones that could possibly involve SkinTaker...

He had nightmares where that man came and ripped off Percy's clothes... chaining him to a wall where he'd... rape the poor thing...

It was awful... cruel... and sick...

He recalled every time it happened...
A piece of cloth would be shoved into his mouth, the chains wrapped tightly around his arms and ankles...
Percy would be trying to scream for help but it was muffled and SkinTaker... SkinTaker would be holding a bone... but not a normal one... one that should not be called a bone but more like the kind that has an R at the end...
and for good reason...

Percy would shiver and shake, his screaming increasing until he could scream no more...

SkinTaker would only smile mockingly because the bastard knew... the boy was too cowardly and too weak to do anything and so...

It would begin, Percy's yelp of misery and fear... the involuntary blushing... the shaking of his head as he refused to look at the monster who was doing this to him... the loud moan of dissaproval but at the same time... unhappy lust...

Percy hated it...
Percy hated it so very much...

Percy would then be treated like a dangerous slut... he would be chained up like some type of animal and gagged and yet... his body would be touched and penetrated in ways Percy did not want.... at all.

Then soon... he'd be released from the chains... feeling guilty... filthy and unhappily lustful...

SkinTaker would be laughing quietly as he removed the drool covered gag...

Percy would be covered in white... with the feeling of the desire to destroy himself...

SkinTaker would then take matters into his own hands... the touching... the disgusting hands of a monster would touch the puppet... play with the puppet and then taste him....
Percy was always afraid when that happened... he'd try to escape but could not... as dreams like this where SkinTaker's manipulation... usually he'd turn into a puppet or the next morning would appear when he opened his eyes... but he was having a dream... a nightmare...

It always ended with SkinTaker saying as he would come inside Percy...

"There is no place to hide my little puppet... I'm coming for you and your family... and when I catch you... you'll be mine to do this to... forever... and ever.... and ever..." Then SkinTaker would bite Percy's neck and Percy would awaken... screaming or in a cold sweat...

Percy felt that it was time he started being brave again... it had been years and you had been worried... but when he looked into his children's eyes... he knew... it was time... it was time to stop being afraid and take action.

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWhere stories live. Discover now