A Timid Laughingstock. Chapter 2

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You awoke to find yourself in a hammock as you got up and moved about, still scared and soon you ran out of the room and up some stairs, onto a deck then looked out at....

The sea.... reflecting the sunrise as you broke down in tears.
Why was this happening? Why was this happening to you?

You let the breeze capture your tears as you looked out at the sunrise and watched it in the cool morning, the smell of rain still clinging onto the salty air and the sound of seagulls migrating to the north.

You felt a hand touch your shoulder and jumped as you saw a tall man with a red beard and red hair look at you, he had an eyepatch and wore pirate's clothing with a captain's hat and a peg leg.
"Hello there lass... we're sorry ye are havin a tough time... we saved ye from th bad people... now can we get yur name? He asked as you sniffled and nodded.
"Y...Y/n..." You reply shyly.
"My... my.... such a pretty name fur such a pretty and tiny, young lass... I be Poppy welcome aboard th Laughingstock!" He said warmly as you hugged him and he stared down at you, surprise on his face.
"L...Lass?" He asks after a moment of silence and you began to cry again.
"Thank you! Thank you so much for saving me!" You cry as he smiles and hugs you. "Don't mention it lass... just help out aroun th ship and be part of th crew alrighty?"
You nod and smile then you look at him as you let go.

"Wh...who saved me..." You asked as Poppy chuckled.
"That'd be th coward we call Percy."
Poppy led you to a cabin where a young boy was playing the piano.
Yo ho ho a pirate's life for me played as you smiled and couldn't help but start to tap your foot as the red haired boy kept playing and eventually you couldn't help but slightly dance and Poppy started to laugh which stopped the boy from playing and he stared behind him and then at you. "C...CAPTAIN!! WATCH OUT!!" You recognised the boy now, he was Percy.

Poppy started to laugh as Percy hid away and you hid away, thinking something bad was going to happen.

Poppy just laughed and walked away.
You and Percy slowly got closer and closer to eachother, you both were looking away and mumbling to the side.

You looked over at him right as he looked at you and you both blushed and finally you spoke quietly.
"Hi!" He says to you. "H...Hello..." "I...I'm Percy..." "I..I'm Y...Y/n..."
You both run upstairs as Poppy makes an announcement.
"Alright ye scallywags, I have some news for ye! Since Y/n is joining us and she is also a scaredy cat, she will be stayin with our cowardly Percy for the time bein!!"
Both you and Percy yelled. "WHAT!?" You both looked to the other then ran to Poppy who stopped you from speaking and said. "No argument is goin to change me mind!"

You and Percy sighed and you helped Percy clean and set up the room so you could stay in it...
You seemed to get along though and you both didn't mind eachother's company and you both soon became friends as you both had cleaning duty.

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWhere stories live. Discover now