A Simple Word. Chapter 43.

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There you all were....

Fighting to the death...

You were fighting Milo now...shocked that he still existed...

Milo looked terrifying...
He had a much darker outfit and he looked pale... deathly pale... almost grey... his hair also faded and he merely sliced at you...

Then... the day turned into night... and night turned into day.... and slowly.... three days passed and you stared out at the battlefield... everyone was injured but still fighting...

And then you saw it... the storm that threatened to rain on all of you... as it creeped closer through the night sky.

You all turned away from the one you were fighting when you finally heard a deafening scream sound from somone....

It was the fly... Philip the fly...
Philip had been stabbed right in the heart by Calvery Stankoff.

The fly breathed heavily... suddenly the attention was to the sky as everyone saw a shooting star and heard Philip's last words....

"All I wish for.... is that we could just stop fighting...." He then stopped breathing and went limp...

Then the storm started... raining on all of you...

Five minutes passed before Hans said.
"Me too...."
Then slowly... one by one...
Both crews began to say. "Me too..."

Percy stared out at the ones who said that they wished the fighting would stop.... his entire crew, Hans and blacktooth as well as the Crackerjack himself said they wished it would stop...

Horace was angry and so was Sunny... who clutched her side and angrily growled.

"TRAITORS!!!" Horace screached at Hans, Blacktooth and Crackerjack.

Hans looked mad now and yelled back. "WHAT'RE WE EVEN FIGHTIN ABOUT?!!?! NOTHING IS WHAT!! WE GOT NOTHIN TO FIGHT FER!!!" He seemed very serious about this and Blacktooth backed him up. "FINE!!! WE DON'T NEED ANY OF YOU LOWLIFE TRAITORS!!!" Horace blew up the universe with his pitch.

Horace got on the Crackerjack with the rest of his crew and left Hans and BlackTeeth behind...

They stood there unhappily and Percy walked over to them, they looked guilty and ready to die until Percy held out his hand for them to shake it. "Welcome aboard the Ms. Laughingstock....

Let's get ya cleaned up and then we can talk... how about it boys?" They agreed right away.... loyal and ready to work.

Hans was put on nursery duty until further notice and BlackTeeth got to cook... you of course helped him out...

But you still remembered Milo... he had said no words... just occasionally swore and left when told....

He had changed... he truly had changed.


((Do you guys want me to do a Don't Hug Me I'm Scared X Reader?
I have seen the other readers for laughs but there aren't alot of good ones... so I thought I would ask.))

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora