The First Stage. Chapter 30.

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You felt... strange...
5 months had passed and you felt so wierd... first of all.. no sign of Skin Taker...
Second... Cravings... Third
You had become overly emotional and you weren't on your period...
Come to think of it...
You didn't have it last month either or before that... you've gone 5 months without periods but get cramps... cramps so bad that you would cry...

You started to become worried and excited...
You checked a mirror and felt your stomach... it was rather strange... and it felt tight... it also seemed rather plump...

You needed to make sure.
You had to find Percy.
"P...Percy!?" You called, worry in your voice. "Banana King?! Salty Jo Jo? Anybody?" You walked to the front of Ms. Laughingstock's deck and she asked.
"What might be wrong my dear?"
"I can't find Percy or anybody for that matter... other than you!" You say and she laughs gruffly and says. "He went to go find out wedding plans darlin... but ye can tell me anythin..." "At first I thought I was getting fat or something but... now I realise.... I may be pregnant!" You say to Ms. Laughingstock. She laughed and said. "Congratulations.... your soon to be groom however may pass out..." You giggled a bit and started chatting about babies and whatnot to Ms. Laughingstock... she was after all... the only girl around.

Percy did come back after a few hours.
He looked tired and so you decided not to say anything yet...
"Hey Percy... are you okay?"
"Yeah darlin... just... tired..." He sighed and you hugged him. "It's okay... GO rest... I have a huge surprise for you later on... It's so awesome... or at least... I hope you'll like it." You kiss his cheek.
Percy was much to tired to even walk at the moment.

He passed right out when he got to the bed in your room.
"Goodnight Percy..." You giggled as you walked up to get hugged by the crew.
"Congratulations!!" They all cheered in unison before you quieted them down.
"You'll wake Percy!" You say before Banana King asks. "Does the father know yet?" You shake your head. "I didn't want to stress him out but.... I...I'm actually very scared...
What if.... he doesn't like kids? What if he gets mad? Wh...what if he dumps me?" You start getting emotional before Doctor Heartfelt put a hand on your shoulder. "He loves kids sweetie... you'll be fine... but he may get a bit scared so do be careful... you know what happens when he's scared..." You nod and smile, going to the kitchen and grabbing a sweet bun before heading to your room and drawing, waiting for Percy to awaken...
You heard movement after a few hours and looked to see him, smiling at you from the bed. "You've been eatin alot... are you okay?" He asked gently.
"W...well... Percy... I.... I have something to tell you.... I... I'm...
I'm pregnant..." You blush and then shut your eyes tightly after seeing his face, shock and fear were in his eyes and you were ready for anything, you actually started tearing up at the thought of him yelling or fighting you over this... he would be afraid... it wouldn't be his fault...
You heard him get up and his boots click towards you, you getting tenser with each step.

You were shaking now before you heard him sigh and put a hand on your head, you squeaked in fear before feeling him gently pet you and so you opened one eye and looked at him, he was smiling, tears running down his face, he looked scared but so happy... he was shaking... "Percy?" You touch his face gently before he laughs shakily. "I...I'm sorry... I... I just... don't know how to respond... I'm sorry about what I've done to make ya scared of me when I get that look... but... I won't attack anybody anymore... if that's why yur so tense..." You look ashamed. "I...I'm sorry.... I... I just... I thought you'd get mad or something... I've heard so many things about guys freaking out over... hearing the news so... I know you are different but I... I was still worried..." Percy seemed at ease now. "Now I'm fine... I was curious... now... let me show ya how I feel about this..." You were confused until he picked you up and twirled you, you were still light as a feather but a bit heavier.... like... the weight of a kitten...

He then set you on the bed and kissed you, grinning a goofy smile.
"You think your so funny..." You scold playfully. "Rather I be a naughty pervert?" Percy teased as you laughed. "...N..No! You can only be that after we are married!"
He was laughing now. "Ah huh... whatever ya say darlin..." He smiled and hugged you while you removed his hat and stroked his tangled hair.

"I'm happy that you're happy..." You say gently as he grins and nuzzles your belly. "And I'm happy that we'll have a full on family... and I get to have a lil shipmate of my own..."

You both hug for a while, your love was true that much was obvious.

*the colors or the rose...
Shall be the fate of our hero's
Infant children*
Can you guess what that may be?

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt