The Sound of Grinding Bones. Chapter 25.

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You walked down the sandy beach... it was crystal sand and reminded you of snow... it sparkled and shined beautifully...
You had been walking around the land you had found... waiting for Percy to return with the crew. You held your dragon egg in your hands... Milo was around somewhere... Percy had told him to protect you...

You smiled at the blue ocean water that lapped at your feet...
Moonlight reflecting off of you and said water...

Then you heard it...

Well... come now...come and all, It's time to gather round.
Come now...come now... don't you cry,
Don't scream or make a sound!
I'll rip now... rip now... tear your skin,
And chew upon your bones.
I'll sew my cape with you within,
So you won't be alone!

((Had to friken dig through the wiki to find this))

You got scared, looking around for Skin Taker...

His voice kept getting closer... you felt the egg start to shake as the song got louder and closer, you clutched the egg tightly... not enough to break it but enough to keep it there... then you heard a chuckle from behind you and screamed as you met with Skin Taker's eyes...

"My dear... you scream much too loud fer your own good!" He grabbed hold of your arm and then you felt the egg shatter... feeling something slither around your arm and then you fell onto your rear end... a small dragon blowing icey frost into Skin Taker's face.

"BLASTED!!! FUCKING!!! GAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed as he held his eyes, small dragon nuzzling you as it sat on your shoulder.
You ran as fast as you could, trying to find Milo.
Skin Taker was hot on your tail...

Milo was eventually found and you screamed for him... but he smiled at you...

Skin Taker caught you by the waist and you screamed in terror as your little dragon tried to help... only for Milo to grab it and keep it contained.
"Good work me boy..." Skin Taker grinned at him. "You are a fantastic help..."

Milo smiled at Skin Taker...
Why did Milo help him?...

Then again... Milo was acting strangely...

"Keep this up and you will see Poppy again in no time..." Skin Taker grinned as Milo smiled hopefully...

You whimpered as Skin Taker tied you up, he seemed pleased as he touched your skin...

"Yes... you will make a fine suit my dear...." He purred and then looked at you hungrily. "And a fine wife if ye survives..." You spat and him and said. "I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE YOURS!!!" Skin Taker only chuckled. "You'll get used to it my dear... because when I skin you... we will see the beautiful skeleton underneath all of that glorious skin..." He rasped.

You squeaked in shock as he pinched your rear. "Then again... if yer good... I might just marry ya the way ye are..." He laughed and you started to cry... afraid of him...

That was... until you heard Milo scream, turning towards him... you saw a guy with familiar, orange hair...

"Percy!" You cheered as Percy growled at Skin Taker, standing on Milo's unconscious body and pointing a sword at Skin Taker.

Skin Taker glared at him as Percy said.
"She's mine you sorry excuse for a Pirate... if you even DARE to touch her... I'll make you regret it!"

Skin Taker gave a cocky smirk and grabbed a breast as you screamed in surprise. "Soft... don'tcha agree?" He said before getting kicked in the face by a boy he had once called cowardly...
"N...Now Now boy... Let's talk about this." Skin Taker got up and started backing away... he had not thought of Percy acting this way.
"I warned you..." Percy growled before running at Skin Taker and ripping off his arm as Skin Taker screamed in pain and grabbed Milo, floating away...

Something he only did if it was an emergency...

Percy untied you and picked you up, bridal style...

Walking back to the ship as you remained quiet.
"I was really worried you know..." He said as you looked at him. "We came back and you weren't there... so I searched for you... thankfully I got you before Skin Taker could take you..." He got to the boat and walked inside... bringing you into the room as he lays you against the bed.
"You know..."
Percy sat beside you.
"I won't show mercy the next time he hurts you... so if I lose it... will you forgive me?" He asks as you smile and kiss his cheek. "Yes Percy... I will..."

You got worried as Percy showed you your baby dragon... who had a torn up wing...

Claws jagged and tail swollen...
"Oh no!" You start to cry. "She can't be dead!"
Percy smiled. "She isn't... just tired... she'll wake up... she just needs ice...
But what will you name her?"
Percy asked you a very good question and soon you said...
"Bravery... because she saved me as soon as she hatched and had no fear..."

Percy grinned and looked at you, black eyes staring into yours. "And our kids?"

You shivered and looked at the male... a goofy smile his face as you punched his arm.
"You jerk!"
"Hehehehe... your face was priceless my dear..." You then jumped on him and soon wrestled him until he gave up... letting you win against him...

"Hehehehe! I win! You cheer and Percy smiles, stroking your cheek. "Yep... and I don't mind losin to you.."

You both laughed and hugged eachother until you fell asleep.

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin