A True Slip Up. Chapter 24

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Percy had explained what was going on...

Skin Taker was coming for you...
He may have an attraction to you... as disgusting as that sounded.

You trembled... feelings within you started to flow out while Percy hugged you tightly. "Please no... I can't... I can't have him tear us apart again... I just can't Percy..."

Percy smiled down at you, hugging you much tighter than he had before.
"I won't let him... I promise..."

He looked scared as well but no longer shook...

He kissed your forehead and you felt safer...

Then you recalled Janice asking that question...
"When you and Percy have a baby...?" You blushed at that thought... only thinking of those first words...

"H...Hey! What's wrong Y/n?" He asked while he stroked your hair... this caught you off guard and you jumped, saying quickly. "ARE WE EVEN READY TO MAKE A BABY!?!" Percy stared at you for a while... eyes wide, face slowly reddening. "Y...Y/n... w...wha?"

You were incredibly embarrassed. "O...Oh dear! I...It just s...slipped out I... I didn't... m..mean!" Then you just shut up...

"So... you were thinkin about... "it"... were ya?" He chuckled awkwardly as you tried to fix your mistake. "N...No! I... I wasn't I... I just!!" You explained that day when Janice had popped the question.
"A...and I...I was j...just thinking a...about how t..that would e...even go about happening..." You said shyly as he blushed slightly. "E..Err... w...well... umm..." He seemed to be as uncomfortable as you were... ten minutes of awkward silence passed before Percy asked the question.

"Did you... y...y'know.... wanna... do... it?" Percy said... he looked confused and kind of curious.

"W...well... I... I don't... really..." You say shyly as he teases. "I know... my body probably sucks..." You take it seriously though and freak out.
"N...NO!! I... I mean... your body is awesome... I mean!! I haven't seen it completely yet b..but I know it's a nice body because no matter what... I will always love you!" You say with a blush.

Percy smiles and kisses your lips.
"I love you too Y/n...." You smiled back at him but then he kissed your lips again... this time, the kiss was longer and you hugged him against your body.

You were going to break the kiss but he managed to keep you there, eventually getting tongues involved and soon...
You both pushed eachother away...

Red faces... panting heatedly... wanting to do the unspoken and almost forbidden things that you both shuddered lustfully at the thought of... but leaving it at that...

You both were much too shy and cowardly to do such lewd things...

However... Percy hugged you tightly again and kissed your neck... leaving a mark and whispering in your ear. "I won't ever allow that skeletal freak to even touch you... if he so much as looks at you strangely... I'll destroy him..." He kissed your head once more before leaving you to stand, blushing at him...

A Candlelit Lullaby. Pirate Percy X Reader. Candle CoveWhere stories live. Discover now