Mated females heat were taken care by their mates. Once the body reaches estrus the male must begin to rut. Cover her body with his scent and essences. This would calm the females fever, and once marked, mated and knotted. This would ease her from the pain. The length of the heat varies for different wolves. Due to their strength and ranks. The heat is the only chance mates can have to conceive. Once the fever is gone, our heat phase is over- the chances of conception was next to none.

Heat is somewhat an important subject matter to our kind. Which is why, instead of teaching teenagers of health. By the time they reach fifteen, we teach them the heating phases and cycles. The rules and importance of heat-care and after-care. Females were most vulnerable during heat that could possibly lead to their deaths.

This is when the new found science of mateless suppressants come in. A daily dosage of pills that suppresses the mating call, and mate bond that is made during marking. Once a mate dies, the other partner follows suit. Having a mate was a strange concept of true love.

Nobody could understand you better than your mate, provide for you, protect you from all harm and take care of you.

That is why- since I was sixteen going through the pains of heat. All I wanted was a mate.
I had everything in life, I was the daughter of an Alpha. I had power in my blood, my grandfather was alive and kicking and he was a pure one. My grandmother was first generation pure. I was raised to be Luna, an Alpha Female.

Yet, it has been three years since my first heat and I was still mateless. It was uncommon-
Usually a female would be able to mate at the age of sixteen to eighteen. I was on my last year of searching before I have to take mateless suppressants. It would only mean- my mate, before we could even find each other and bond. Has already passed on and moved to the next life, being reborn as another wolf.

Each year on the winter solstices, all packs would run and gather together for a run, and all the mateless would go on further until midnight. That was when we celebrated the howl, the mating howl. It was a howl to call upon our soul mates, our other half. The howl alone made by our wolves would be able to send a warning signal to our mates of our existence. They would hear us, and they would find us.

I had been to three howls, and this winter, I was heading north. My pack was based on one of the largest southern territories. I had moved from south, to south west, and west. Each howling ceremony was different- some howled together, some alone.

Today. As I recover from my week of agony, I plan to move on towards north.

North West was a nomads land. It was were all prisoners were sent, it is where the legendary Werewolf King was said to live in solitude.

The werewolf king, was somewhat of a legend. He was the first ever pure wolf and he was the mightiest of them all. The leader of the five hundred survivors. To this very day only the pure ones know of his existence, the rest believe it as a fairy tale made to scare of children.

He was ruthless, and killed without mercy. He was the one who appointed leaders, Alphas in different regions of the earth. He was the king of all Alphas.

But his name, was unknown.

As I made my way towards one of the big oak trees in the forest. I bent over and dug up my only belonging. A bag, its contents were simple, gold and silver coins, extra clothing, a piece of jewelry my mother had given to me and a family photo. All else I had lost during my journey, stolen my lone wolves and rogues.

Lone wolves were the ones who chose to be alone, harmless but notorious thieves. Rogues were blood thirsty wolves who bad succumbed to the disease. One bite could kill you when not given anti-venom.

Our bites were venomous, the only bite that our body accepts would be of our mate. The rest were deathly.

As the sun rose high. I take off my shirt and shove it in the bag. Wearing the bag on my shoulders- I shift.

The shifting from human to wolf was a painful thing, but once exercised. It was nothing. You could hear your own bones crack loudly and feel the stinging pain.

But on a first shift. It was life threatening once shifted unsupervised. Our body heat would increase once our wolves mature in us, and we would first be able to control eye change, and canines. Then came the full shift on every seven year olds birthday there is a ritual that one must follow. It is to celebrate outside of the house.

When we shift we become one with nature, and our wolf size was three times bigger than human size and four times if one was a carrier of Alpha gene.

I was four times bigger than my human self.

As I completed my transformation. With the bag braced over my back. I raced one forward- towards North.

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