Chapter 7: The Whisper, The Heartbreak, and The Hair

Start from the beginning

The sound of the bell broke us apart. I blushed and looked down. With gentle fingers, he lifted up my head and sent me a blinding smile that left me dizzy as I thanked him and walked into class. If he kept sending me those smiles, I’d never pay attention in class again.

            I was constantly being stared at during class. Even the teachers’ eyes seemed to linger on me longer during their lectures. Was it because of Jace and i? Jace just seemed like the prince charming in my life. All those Disney movies didn’t seem to portray the feelings right.

Something was boring me though. I’d pushed it away from my mind, but the thoughts and questions kept coming back. Jace seemed to take interest in me so fast. I’d only known him for several days. I’m nothing special. He could do much better. These thoughts led me to believe he was faking, so he could humiliate me in front of the school, or so he could hurt me.

Thinking these thoughts sent a heartbreaking feeling through my heart. How could I not trust him when he protected me from Josh? The feelings I got around him weren’t lying, and neither was the way he looked at me. The way he protected me and took care of me at school and with the cut I the forest led me to listen to my heart.

The bell rang breaking me from my thoughts. I walked outside of the classroom only to see Jace wasn’t there. In fact, he was for my next few periods as well. I was walking towards my lunch table ad was ambushed with questions once again.

            “Did you kiss him?” asked Amy

            “Are you guys in looooovvve?” gushed Kennedy.

            “Was it like in the fairytales?” whispered Cara.

            “Did you know an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.” Asked Adam.

            “Did you feel sparks?” Leah questioned.

I was getting ready to answer the questions when we all turned toward Adam. The other girls all shot hit a glare. He put up his hands in a truce position.

            “I was just askin’,” he mumbled and ducked his head down.

“We didn’t kiss,” I started while sending them an are-you-crazy look, ”Kennedy we already went through this. No love.“ I stated firmly, though on the inside I was questioning the answer myself. “I don’t know Cara. I’m not in love,” yet. “And Adam. No, I didn’t know that. Thank you.” At the end I sent him a smile.

I hoped we would move on from the subject, and the girls took the hint. We began talking about maybe going to the mall this weekend. I didn’t know whether I could go or not. Would I have to take Noah, and was that okay? I nodded, though, and decided that these people were my friends, and it’s okay that they know Noah. They wouldn’t hurt him.

The bell rang, dismissing lunch. For some reason, Adam was following me today. I looked back and slowed my steps.

            “Hey, I just decided I would go this way for once,” explained Adam after seeing my questioning look. He continued, ”Soo, you and Jace, huh?” he asked.

            “No, not really. We’re just friends…well, actually, I’m not sure.” I whispered as we entered the main hallway. He seemed to be walking me to my class. Adam quickly looked to the floor and at the ceiling, nodding a bit. His brown hair flopped in front of his eyes. We kept an easy conversation, and I found that Adam was really carefree and funny.

We were joking around when I felt Jace’s presence. I felt myself relax when I didn’t even know I was stiff this whole time without him. I looked around me to see him next to my locker. He gave me a small smile, and then, his eyes zeroed in on Adam.

Anger and possessiveness washed over his features. He swiftly walked toward me, and once near me, he pulled me into hug. I blushed but threw my arms around his torso. He sniffed my hair before he let go and gave a small growl to Adam.

Adam looked terrified at the look Jace was sending him. I was slightly angry at Jace for scaring Adam, but I couldn’t really make myself be angry at him. He sent Adam another small growl before whispering something in his ear.

Adam ran away with his crystal, blue eyes terrified. Jace cracked a smile at his behavior before sending a glare to the rest of the people looking at us. He wrapped his arm around me and led me out of the school. Today was early dismissal. We walked to the same park I was in when I heard the noise. We sat on the lonely bench, which didn’t look so lonely anymore.

            “I’m sorry I wasn’t at school. I had some……things to take care of.” He stated him a remorseful tone.

            “It’s o-okay,” I stuttered seeing the real emotion in his eyes. He slowly reached out to touch my face and stroked my cheek.

            “Hoe’s the cut on your arm?” he asked, and I was shocked. He actually remembered. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks and was excited that he cared over something so small.

            “It’s fine. Thanks,” I whispered embarrassed at my blush.

Jace chuckled and pulled me into another hug.

            “How do you like it here?” Jace asked after he pulled away reluctantly.

            “It’s good. I feel like this is a town from one of my books.” I answered and immediately regretted it. I just practically told him I was a book nerd.

            “That’s cool. I like reading too….when I have time.” He continued. “What’s your favorite color?”

            “Sky blue. And you?

            “Green and Brown. Hazel.” Jace whispered while staring into my eyes. I blushed before asking.

            “What’s one thing you wish you could do before you die?”

            “Get the girl I love to love me back,” He answered back quickly.

He loved someone? I had thought he had liked me…..but I suppose this isn’t a fairytale book. My heart ached, and my body felt worn down. I felt defeated. I’m so stupid. Of course he loved someone else. I’m no catch.

I pretended that everything was okay and sent him a weak smile. Even though, it seemed like my world was crashing down around me. The sun seemed to lose its glow, and my shoulder slumped.

            “What’s your favorite movie?” He asked curiously.

            “The Chronicles of Narnia,” I replied without thinking. Stupid move again, Rain. He was staring at me with an unusual emotion in his eyes. “yours?” I continued.

            “Batman: The Dark Knight.” He answered back, and we both chuckled a bit. I decided to let go of the depressing thought of Jace loving someone else already. There was no point in worrying now. After all, it was better to know now than later.

I noticed it was time to go pick of Noah. Our questions game ended, and we shared another hug. I pushed the heartwarming feelings away. After saying goodbye, I walked away.

He was still sitting on the bench, thinking thoughtfully while staring into the sky.

My heart was lurching, and tears filled my eyes. I didn’t know why. It was like my heart was breaking.

I regret not paying attention. The tears blocked my vision, and didn’t let me see the streak the blond hair rushing in the forest. One that could only belong to Kaitlin.


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