My heart still ached at the thought of Jayla and the idea of her ever popping up angered me. She cheated on me the entire time we were together. If I wouldn't have caught her there's no telling how long she would have played me. I should have known though. You can't change a player. Well, I couldn't change that player.

"No." I said trying not to let myself get lost in the thought of my ex. Thinking of her usually took me to a dark place.

"Well then what makes you think Mya will forgive me?" Daniella asked and she had a good point.

"I don't know. I just feel like your situation is different. You guys were never together. She didn't waste three years of her life with you." I said bitterly.

"You know, we've never really talked about your ex-"

"And we're not going to. This is about you." I said sternly.

"Geez woman. Bite my head off why don't you?" Dani said making me feel a little bad.

"I'm sorry. I just don't like digging into my past. It's....triggering." I said pausing slightly to find the right word.

"Okay well, enough about your past. Let's talk about my future. I don't want Raquel to be your choice." Dani said getting back to our original subject.

"Why are you being so picky? I'm not telling you to marry the girl. Just take her on a few dates. See where it goes. Try something a little less casual for a change." I encouraged the girl.

"I'm not being picky. You're just picking the wrong girls." Dani said pouting.

"Fine, no Raquel. How about this? What's your type?" I asked and Dani frowned a little. She must be thinking.

"Um, well she has to have a sense of humor similar to mine because the last thing I need is someone that's too sensitive or easily offended." The girl spoke and I took a mental note of that.

"Okay, what else?" I asked urging the girl to continue.

"She can't be judgmental. With me you get all my flaws and if a girl can't accept all of me, then she can't have any part of me. Well, we can fuck, but-"

"You're getting off track Daniella." I said cutting the girl off.

"Oh yeah. Sorry." The girl said laughing at herself. "Anyway. I like a girl with attitude. Not too bitchy, but just someone that will put me in my place. I also like a girl that I can talk to about anything. Someone I can have deep conversations with, but also someone I can be childish with because Lord knows I can be immature. Also, she has to be someone I can introduce to my mom. If my mom isn't feeling her then I know something has to be wrong with the girl. Moms just know."

I took more mental notes as Dani continued.

"Oh and she has to be a freak. I know that's not important, but I'm a really sexual person, so the last thing I need is a girl that's uptight in that area. She has to be honest too. I need a girl that's going to be straight up with me about any and everything."

"How did you just go from sex to morals?" Chastity asked cutting Dani off and making me laugh because I was thinking the same thing.

"Fuck you and fuck you for laughing." Dani directed at both Chastity and myself.

I just laughed more and took note (mentally speaking) of everything Daniella had told me.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now