"For goodness sake guys," I moaned. "What happened to being friends? because ever since Charlie's been back you've been at each others throats."

"He's the one with the problem," Charlie shrugged.

"Aston?" I asked.

"Just get off my case," he said walking away and shutting himself in the bathroom.


"I'm going for a shower, I have work at nine," I sighed.

Leaving his hot drink on the breakfast bar I disappeared into my bedroom for the next hour. Showering and styling my hair at the dressing table I sat and thought about how I need to sort things out, I doubt my head can take much more confusion and stress. Maybe I should talk to Aston alone, I haven't since Charlie turned up after all.

Applying some lipstick to finish I threw everything into my bag and met the boys back in the living room, Aston on his way out too.

"Are you going to be home late?" Charlie asked stopping me at the door letting Aston walk ahead.

"I don't know, why?"

"I'm gonna try get an appointment at the doctors."


"I just thought I'd say, I don't mean you have to come with me."

"Oh, no. It's only an appointment right?"

"Yeah, just some tests."


"I'll be fine."

"Ok, well I'll see you later then."

"Yeah," he smiled. "Bye babe."

"Bye," I replied faintly.

Shutting the door behind me I made my way down the stairs and outside hoping to catch up with Aston, I called him back as he reached his car.

"I'm meeting someone," he said.

"They can wait five minutes."

"What is it?"

"Can you meet me later?"


"I wanted a word."


"Don't be like that, I haven't done anything wrong?!" I frowned.

He sighed too stubborn to apologise.

"Meet me for something to eat after work, there's a lot we need to talk about. It's not as simple as you think."

"Alright, go on then."

"About half five, presso's?"

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Thank you."

"I've got to go, I'll see you later," he smiled weakly.

Watching him drive away in his car I jumped in mine and followed him out of the gates and to my office. I'm definitely not ready for eight hours behind a desk, especially knowing Kelly is working today. It was only as I walked in when I remembered our previous argument, I pray to god she doesn't know Charlie's home.

"Morning," Clare smiled.


"I was about to make a coffee, do you want one?"

"Mm, yes please."

"The biscuit tin has been topped up," Kelly spoke.

"Oh great."

That's just reminded me how empty my kitchen cupboards are.

"Good weekend?" I asked.

"Not bad," Clare replied, Kelly however eagerly told us her night with Simon start to finish, and when I say finish I mean how it ended under the bed sheets. I suppose that's the only reason why she's being pleasant with me again, because she wants to boast about her latest hunk. I certainly don't trust her though.

Getting stuck into the work given I kept my head down right through to lunch, instead of this headache easing it seems to be getting worse and five o'clock seems to be moving further away. Checking my phone now I've got the chance I found two messages, both from Charlie. In the first he simply told me that he has doctors appointment at three but in the second he asked me what my plans were for tonight.

'I'm meeting a friend for dinner and few drinks so I'm not sure what time i'll be home, sorry. Let me know how you get on at the doctors. X," I text back.

'Ok, have fun. Course xx.'

I didn't want to add another lie on the bottom of the list but I really do need to talk things over with Aston.

Finishing work at ten past five I scuttled off to Prezzo's unfortunately still in my uniform, it's not ideal but I don't have time to go home now, the best I can do is swap blouses to a coral chiffon one I left in my car not long ago. Thankfully its clean.

I could see Aston sitting by the window from outside.

"Hiya," I smiled sitting down.


"Good day?"

"Not bad, you?"

"The same I suppose."

"I've ordered us a soft drink considering we're both driving, is that alright?"

"Yeah that's fine, thank you."

"It's just a drink," he shrugged.

"I don't want things to be awkward between us Aston, we were great a few days ago," I sighed.

"It was a bit different then."

"I'm finding this as hard as you are, if not harder."

"I've been sleeping with his ex girlfriend, it's not easy being mates with him again."

"That doesn't explain why you're at each others throats."

"He's treated you like shit babe."

"I'm no saint Aston."

"Don't defend him."

"I'm the one who's cheated."

"Hold on, you were convinced he was cheating not long ago. So two guesses to who done all the talking last night."

"No, it's not like that."

"So what is it like? because ever since Charlie's came home I've been pushed aside, I know we said no strings attached but I thought we were at least friends? But then It looks like I've believed a lot of things you've told me and shouldn't have."



Charlie's been home five minutes and he's already causing problems!

Thanks for reading, and please vote for more :)

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