Thanksgiving Festivities Everyone!

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Scootaloo's POV:
"Rainbow Dash, why do I have to wear this?" I asked, tugging at the dress Rarity had given me.

"Because we're going to Thanksgiving at Rarity's house and she wants us to dress formal." She said calmly, tightening her tie.

"Why don't I get a tuxedo?" I whined. I hated this dress.

"Because Rarity gave you a dress and you're going to wear it. Please? For me?" Rainbow glared at me.

I sighed, defeated. I stopped fidgeting with the dress.

We hopped in the car and drove towards Rarity's house.

Sweetie's POV:
I swung my legs back and forth. I sat in an old wooden chair with chipped white paint, waiting for people to start arriving.

"We are the New Americana," I sang to myself. My legs, being proportionate to my small body, were unable to touch the floor. "high on legal marijuana," I continued, hopping up to head to my room. "raised on Biggie and Nirvana," I opened my door and checked my phone. "We are the New Americana." I finished the chorus and sat down.

I had a text from Scootaloo.

--Text Conversation--
S: Me and Dash are here. Fluttershy's right behind us.
SB: Awesome! Headed downstairs now! See you there!
--End Of Conversation--

I ran to the stair case and slid down the railing. The knocking on the door rang through the house, void of anyone but me, and Rarity, who just had finish "accessorizing."

I swung open the door, "Hey you guys!" I said, showing them in.

"Hey Sweets! How ya doing?" Scootaloo smiled.

"Thanks for having us!" Rainbow said cheerfully.

Fluttershy nodded, sat down her purse, and squatted. She wrapped me in a hug, "Thank you." She said.

I returned the hug, despite being a little confused. Scootaloo snickered from the kitchen.

"What was that about?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. Scootaloo had jumped up and sat on the island, she had already kicked off her dress shoes.

"Dash asked Fluttershy if she wanted to go to prom with her. Fluttershy and Dashie have both been pretty ecstatic about it." She smiled, then let out another giggle, "Aahh, young love."

I smiled, "Says the fourteen year old."

Scootaloo grinned and scrunched up her face. She took my hand and hopped down, we walked back into the living room.

Everyone was gathered around a table, the doorbell rang. "I got it!" Me and Scoot called.

We opened the door, Pinkie and Twilight were standing in the door way.

"Hey girls! Great to see you, thanks for having us! We brought a gift!"  Pinkie yelled, holding up a four layer cake with chocolate icing.

"Thanks! Just pit it over there on the table!" Scoot smiled at them.

"Yeah, everyone's in the living room." I said, leading them to where everyone was.

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