Chapter 32: Party Planning

Start from the beginning

"Not that much time....."

Soon we got a text that Jenni and Anna had arrived at school, and we went to go meet them. Anna gave me a ridiculously tight and huge hug, not that I minded, and Jenni gave me one, too. "Oh, gosh, Anna was so worried about you! It was hard to try and calm her down."

"I was," she admitted. "Gosh Jess, I tried to call you"-

"She got grounded for an hour," Aid answered for me.


"I got grounded," I clarified. " didn't last long since my parents apparently don't even know how to ground someone."

They laughed, and then the bell rang and we all headed into the building.

"You ready?" Anna asked me before we opened the doors.

I took a deep breath. "Oh yeah. Let's do the damn thing." She laughed and we stepped inside.

School had semi calmed down from the fight that was now three days old much to my relief, but I was surprised when everyone seemed to be buzzing with something else.

"Are you still going to Shenise's party?" I heard someone ask as we walked down the halls. I tried to listen to the answer but while the person surprisingly said no, I couldn't hear the reason why. However my question was soon answered when Shelley came up to us.

"Hey Jess! Did you hear the good news?"


"Almost no one's going to Shenise's party now!"

"Because of the fight?!" I asked incredulously.

She shrugged. "I guess. But now everyone's going to yours!"

"Mine? I'm not throwing a party."

"That's not what the whole school's saying."

"What?! I am not throwing a party! Who..." Suddenly Jenni caught my attention, the way she just so happened to casually start running her fingers through her hair and looking at the walls. "Jenni....." I called eyeing her suspiciously.

"Huh?" She said turning to me with an innocent expression.

I tapped my foot. "You wouldn't have anything to do with this would you?"

She bit her lip as she glanced nervously from me and everyone else. Finally she sighed and threw her hands in the air. "Fine! Maybe, I told a few friends that you were gonna have a party the same day that Shenise was. It was Maria's original idea!" she added defensively.

"But we said we weren't gonna go through it!" I whined.

"Actually," Shelley intervened, "we only said that we weren't going through with it cause you weren't popular enough. Now the whole school knows your name."

I ran a hand down my face and sighed heavily. "Well just call it off," Anna suggested.

"She can't do that!" Shelley snapped. "Besides the entire student body pretty much already knows about it and you cancelling it will just put you back at the bottom!"

"She has a point, Anna," I said reluctantly. "Not that I care so much for being on top anymore, but people might get really pissed, and I don't need any more enemies.

Anna rolled her eyes. "People at this school are stupid."

I chuckled, elbowing her lightly to make her show that beautiful smile again. "You're just now figuring that out?" I asked jokingly. It worked, she smiled and bumped me back lightly in return.

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