I quietly told Hoodie, "She must know about the Nightstalkers. I guess she was putting on an act when she was talking about them in public."

Hoodie nodded. "We need to start following her during the day. Perhaps we can learn something from her."

"Okay then. Let's head back home and rest up so we can get an early start in the morning."

We glanced back at the mansion one more time before making our way back home.

Marlow's pov

After eating breakfast the next morning, the five of us headed out. I promised the boys that we could relax today and go to the mall. So here we are, walking down the street, talking and laughing.

It's weird though. Almost the whole time we walked, I got a strange feeling, as if we were being followed. I occasionally glanced back behind us but never saw anything unusual. I finally dismissed it as me just being on edge from everything going on lately.

Once we got to the mall, I let the others split up and go wherever they wanted. Zane, of course, decided to stick with me while I looked around. I went straight to the clothing stores with Zane tagging along behind me.

Jasper's pov

My ears were met with the heavy metal music as I walked into Hot Topic. This is one of my favorite stores, so when Marlow said we could go wherever we wanted, I immediately chose this place.

I went straight to the back of the store, checking out the band shirts and other accessories. I was soon interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I glanced behind me to see two familiar masked people.

I froze for a moment before turning completely around to face them. They seemed to silently watch me as I calmly blinked at them both.

"Hey, I recognize you two. I saw you both at Burger King."

They didn't say anything, but started moving closer toward me. I stayed in place and held out my hand, stopping them.

"Don't you know it's rude to invade someone's personal space? You guys need to learn some manners, seriously."

They glanced at each other before the white masked one finally spoke. "Tell us what you know."

"About what?" I calmly asked.

"About the others that were with you at Burger King. Especially that brown haired girl."

I see. So these two are looking for information, are they? Well good luck getting anything out of me.

A very small smile formed on my lips. "Listen, if you want to date my friend then you need to talk to her yourself."

"No!" the white masked one yelled. "That's not it at all!"

The hooded boy then pushed in front of the other and said, "Tell us where we can find her."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sorry, I don't know where she is."

"That's a lie."

"Is it?"

This hooded guy seems to be much more patient and persistent than the other. I noticed his hand sliding into his hoodie pocket.

"Tell us what we want to know or else-"

"Or else what?" I interrupted. "You'll kill me? Go ahead. If you haven't noticed, I happen to like anything that has to do with death and despair."

The two boys looked at each other and the white masked one sighed. "Let's go. We're not getting anywhere with this guy."

They both turned and quickly left the store in a hurry. I should probably find and warn the others. We can't let these two find out anything. I left the store and began searching for where the others may be.

Marlow's pov

After leaving JCPenny with Zane, I noticed two people among the crowds looking this way. The same two boys from Burger King. The same two that are in that strange group. They must be searching for clues.

I looked at Zane and whispered, "You recognize them?"

He glanced in the direction I pointed my head in and frowned. "Those two again. Are they following us?"

"I don't know, but we need to act casual. Let's head to the entrance."

He nodded and followed me as I walked through the crowds toward the main doors of the mall. I stopped around a couple of benches and glanced behind us only to see both boys still back there. Maybe if we pretend we're talking, they won't bother us.

"Well I guess we can wait here for the others," I said to Zane.

He nodded. "Yeah. They shouldn't be too much longer."

After a few minutes of small talk, I noticed Zane's eyes look past me and narrow. Almost right after, I felt a hand grab my arm. I whirled my head around only to be met with a white mask with black features.

I glanced at his hand on my arm and frowned. "Can I help you?"

"What is your connection with the Nightstalkers?"

My eyes instantly widened as a gasp escaped my lips. How do they know about that? Just how long have they been following us? I quickly jerked my arm out of the boy's grasp and took off running.

I ran out of the large front doors, realizing Zane was following alongside me. I glanced back to see the two masked boys chasing after us. Zane and I continued running, swerving around people and street corners in an attempt to loose them.

I soon saw one of the large buses that are known for transporting people around the city. Zane followed me as I quickly got on, paying before heading toward the back and taking a seat.

I glanced out the window, seeing the two masked strangers heading toward the bus. My eyes then landed on a couple of teenagers walking down the street.

"Zane, camouflage," I said while already changing form.

Zane glanced out the window before following my lead. Once the two boys finally climbed on the bus, Zane and I looked just like the teens we saw outside. I inwardly grinned upon seeing the two guys looking around in confusion.

As they started coming our way, I moved into Zane's lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his lips. I guess Zane understood what I was doing because he immediately snaked his arms around my waist and kissed back, rather roughly I might add.

As we kissed, I opened one eye slightly to see the strangers sitting in the very back of the bus. I smiled slightly against Zane's lips before pulling away.

"Hmph, they didn't even notice us," I said in a quiet voice.


I looked at Zane with a raised eyebrow. "Wow what?"

"That kiss. It was amazing."

"Well there's more where that came from. We have to keep up the act until we can get off this bus."

With that being said, Zane smirked and kissed me again. We continued to snuggle and kiss until we felt the bus finally stop. We pulled apart and casually got up and off the bus, hand in hand.

I glanced back, seeing the bus beginning to leave with the masked boys still onboard. I grinned to myself as Zane and I headed back toward the mall. Now that we've lost them, it's time to go back and get the others.

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