14. Detention Time.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"It's dumb, Declan. Do not worry about it, I have complete control on the situation," he said, laughing it off.

"The bruises on your face don't show that you have everything under control," I told him and he averted his eyes, remaining silent. I waited for an answer but I got none. I sighed, "You can tell me, Joshua, whatever that thing is. I did not have friends at all before but I sure know that friends tell each other everything."

"So we are friends then," he said, giving me a small smile and I rolled my eyes.

"I thought that I already made that clear when I bought you your food earlier," I told him and he chuckled.

"Hearing you say it is much more official," he said and I rolled my eyes once again.

"Okay, just tell me already," I persisted to know and he let out a sigh.

"Like I said, it's dumb," he started before adding in a lower voice, "My ex-friends did not really appreciate the fact that I sat and talked with you during lunch."

"Excuse me?" I asked him in disbelief, eyes wide in shock and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Did I hear you right? They hit you because you talked with me? How is that their problem?"

"I don't know," he replied with a shrug, "I think that they think that as we are both gay, we are going to be...you know, together and they don't want that. They use words like sucking each other's dick and other things which I prefer not to mention as you look like you want to rip someone's head off and as I'm the only one around, it's not really reassuring."

"What the fucking hell!" I exclaimed, standing up from my seat and slamming my hands on the table. Joshua jumped in surprise at my sudden outburst and nearly fell off his chair but he quickly grabbed his desk to support him.

"Declan, don't scare me like that," he said, putting one hand on his heart, acting out of breath but I was not going to calm down so soon.

"Show me who hurt you," I ordered him, "Who are those guys? Show them to me so that I can have a little chat with them."

"Are you crazy?" Joshua asked me in disbelief, "You can't talk to them. They are going to beat your ass."

"Oh, I will manage, trust me," I told him and he shook his head.

"I appreciate your concern for me but I'm not going to let you get hurt because of me," he said.

"You already got hurt because of me," I reminded him, feeling more angry than before.

It just annoyed me so much. I hated bullying. Whoever liked that thing must have a serious problem. I used to get bullied. I knew how hard and painful getting bullied could be, reason why I learnt to defend myself. Now, whoever dared to hurt me was sure to get a punch right in the face.

So now learning that Joshua was getting beat at just because he talked with me, I was not going to let it go. No way I was going to do that. No, I was going to find those guys and break their face so that they do not bother Joshua again.

"This is not your fault," Joshua told me and he did look sincere, "None of this is. It's not because of you that those guys are being assholes with me."

"Well, I am going to make sure that they don't act like assholes with you anymore," I stated and before Joshua could reply anything, the door of the classroom suddenly opened and a group of guys came in followed by Mr Harold.

The guys immediately caught my attention. They were five in all, all tall and muscular as hell. I was curious about who they were at first but I quickly guessed that these guys must be the ones who started the fight with Joshua. I was proved that my assumption was right when I glanced at Joshua and saw that the expression on his face has completely changed into a worried one.

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