32. Declan's Secret Journal (3)

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10 March 2013.

Journal, I have been wondering, do you know all of my siblings?

So far, I think that only Emile was mentioned. Well, let me tell you something, I have three other siblings namely; Kenny; Maryline; and Stella. We are a pretty big family if you ask me. Five kids, my parents really did not control themselves. Honestly, I think that some of my siblings shouldn't have been born, or even, sometimes I think that I shouldn't have been born, but that is not the main topic of today.

Maryline is.

I can complain all day about whatever the hell my siblings did to me but right now is not the time to complain about everyone so I am just going to talk about one of them and this is going to be about Maryline White.

My sister is younger than Stella but older than Emile. She is currently twenty years old and she is an evil witch. I think that among all of my siblings, she is the most religious one. She is the one who is more involved in activities concerning prayers. She is basically a maniac about it but when you look at her, you don't realize it, her way of talking or acting in front of people doesn't show her craziness.

Her room is like a sanctuary. You can see a picture of the Virgin Marie here, another one of Jesus here, another one of the Archangel Michael and the list is long. She has one cross on each wall and there is even blessed water in her room. Damn it. It always scares me to go in her room.

She is like a nun.

Except that she isn't so innocent. 

Oh well, her religious side does not prevent her from drinking or partying with her sinner friends but you know, like she always says, she parties moderately, she drinks moderately, and sex is not what she does. From what I heard, she is still a virgin but I don't know if that is true, as once I caught her kissing a guy in her little sanctuary and only the picture of God above her bed knows what happened after I left the room in a hurry and in horror.

Okay, my sister's sex life is not my point. 

You are surely waiting for me to tell you about something dramatic that she did to me lately. Well, I don't know where to start. She decided to make it her mission to try and save me from the darkness and yesterday, in the middle of the night, something happened. It's not the first time that it happens actually. 

You know, I sleep shirtless with only my boxers on and I woke up yesterday, feeling wet. Not the type of wet that you may think of but the type of wet that you get when you take a shower. Maryline was standing near my bed, a bottle of sacred water in one hand and in the other a small cross. 

She was throwing the water on me little bit by little bit while mumbling some kind of prayer. Of course, I freaked out and told her to go the fuck away. It was like if she was doing some exorcism on me. When I saw that she wasn't listening to me, I started to shout at her and it was then that she forced the water in her bottle in my mouth. I don't mind drinking water, but blessed water isn't really what I prefer and she was basically choking me.

I had to literally punch her away and she fell down on that ground. That seemed to anger her and she slapped me in the face. Actually, she scratched me on the cheek with her long nails. It hurt and it burned as the blood came out. That seemed to pleasure Maryline and when I said pleasure, I mean the type of pleasure that excites you. It annoyed me and I found it even more creepy when she bit her lips while looking at me.

She is a sadist.

You are maybe wondering what a sadist is. 

Well let me tell you about it. 

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