76. The Orphanage.

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When I first started talking to Pierre, a lot of time he mentioned going to help out at the orphanage. It was just something that he did regularly, it was just something that he really liked to do. That boy really liked kids and the fact that he was able to help some of them, to be around them, brought him a lot of joy. He liked to tell me about how he had fun with the kids, how he succeeded to put a smile on theirs faces, and that always made me happy to listen to him talk about that. I even told myself that one day, I would go there with him and assist him in doing that one thing that he really liked.

And now this day has finally came.

I was standing in front of the orphanage, deciding whether or not I should enter. Last night, before we went to sleep, Pierre informed me that he would be going to the orphanage and that he wouldn't be able to text me since he would be too busy. I simply replied with an okay and we both went to sleep. Then, when I woke up this morning, I got the sudden idea of surprising him by going there.

Though, I had arrived at the orphanage since twenty minutes now but I still didn't make a move to enter. Had Pierre arrive yet? I saw a few people enter but he wasn't one of them. Were his parents going to be with him? Most likely. They weren't going to let him wander around on his own, even if it was to do a good action. Maybe Pierre was inside with them at this very moment. His parents would probably cause a huge scene in front of everyone if they were to see me. 

God, what was I thinking by coming here? I obviously didn't think about it enough. Would I even be allow to enter the place? The people working here surely wouldn't let a total stranger enter and see the kids, unless it was for actual adoption maybe. Damn, what should I do? I couldn't remain standing here forever. People would start to think that I was-

Something suddenly bumped into me from behind, projecting me a little bit forward, and I heard someone let out a yelp. Immediately, I turned around and saw a familiar brunette laying on the ground.

"I'm sorry!" she exclaimed just like the last time with her eyes closed and she raised her hands in front of her, to protect herself again surely, "Upupupu, it hurts!"

I frowned in confusion at her words and let out a sigh before extending my hand to help her to stand up. 

"It's you again," I told her and she finally opened her eyes to look at me. I remembered her name from what Pierre told me. "It's Missy, right?"

"Oh, Declan!" she said in surprise and she immediately grabbed my hand to stand up. "What an amazing coincidence!" She taped her butt to wipe her clothes of any dust. "Sorry that I bumped into you again! I was in a hurry, and I was thinking, and I was looking into my bag, and I hit with you!"    

That was a lot for me to process.

"Is it your thing to bump into people?" I asked her then, really curious, and a thoughtful expression came on her face.

"Sometimes," she replied with an embarrassed smile, "I should look more where I'm going."

"Yeah, you should," I told her, "Some people don't really understand at times."

"Oh, yeah and I met a lot of them," she informed me and she looked like she was thinking about her previous bad encounters. She then asked me, "Are you here to help at the orphanage?" 

I nearly forgot about that.

"O-oh! W-well, I-" I stupidly stuttered and I really wanted to slap myself, "I was free and I decided to use my time wisely and come h-here."

She looked at me strangely at my words, seeming to think about something, and I wondered for a moment if she was going to accuse me of having wrong intentions. After all, I never came here before and some people might end up thinking that my intentions weren't genuine. Damn it, why was I so stress about such a simple thing?

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