77. Lunch With Greg.

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"Can I know what this is doing here?"

"This has a fucking name."

"I don't care. You are not supposed to be here," I told Greg, glaring at him and he returned me the very same bad look. It was currently lunch time and this dumb ass named Greg decided to join us for some unknown reasons. Joshua didn't seem to mind his presence but me, I had a different opinion on the matter.

"It's Joshua who invited me for lunch," Greg informed me, pointing one accusing finger at Joshua who was eating his food silently. "So whether you care or not is my problem."

"Tell me that this is a freaking joke?" I asked my best friend who immediately swallowed the food in his mouth.

"I just thought that the three of us could enjoy a nice little chat," he defended himself and I looked at him in disbelief. "Don't look at me like that, Declan. It's just for this lunch."

"I don't want to have lunch with Greg," I complained.

"Well, you remember this time when Pierre dragged us to his friends' table for lunch?" He asked me and I nodded slowly, replaying this particular lunch in my head, I couldn't really forget about it, "Well, I obviously didn't want to have lunch with them, but I did it for you, so now you are going to do the same for me."

I snorted and looked back at Greg, annoyed. The latter just shrugged and started eating his food, not bothered at all by my presence. It sucked. I didn't want him here. I had a few things to tell Joshua and Greg was going to prevent me from doing so.

"Can I have, at least, a good reason to explain his presence?" I demanded and Joshua rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding my eyes.

"If you really want to know, Greg and I have started talking to each other once again," he admitted and I could just stare at him, "And I guess that we are getting along...again."

My gaze hardened and Joshua let out a nervous laugh. I just had to ask:

"Did you two kiss again?"

At my words, both Greg and Joshua choked on their food and I just watched them without doing anything.

"What the fuck, dude!" Greg exclaimed angrily and I shrugged.

"What? Is there a problem?"

"Declan, don't be stupid. We didn't kiss!" Joshua exclaimed in embarrassment and I could see the slight change in color of his cheeks. He was blushing? Well, that was rare. "We're just friends, that's it. There's nothing more going on between us."

"Then why didn't you tell me anything sooner?" I questioned him and he sighed.

"I just-"

"He doesn't own you any explanation,"Greg interrupted Joshua, "He can talk to me if he wants. He doesn't need your consent."

"I'm his best friend, dumb ass. He needs my consent if he is going to do something stupid," I told him and Joshua looked at me in disbelief.

"You're one to speak. Remind me who is not listening to me when making important life choices," Joshua said and I huffed, rolling my eyes. I took a few sips of the water in my bottle.

"When did you two start conversing?" I continued to question, ignoring Joshua's previous words, and Greg was the one to reply.

"Since he gave me a dog."

"Obviously," I rolled my eyes again. I couldn't believe it. So all this time Joshua had been talking to Greg without telling me anything about it. Was Joshua falling for him again? I wasn't sure anymore. "Greg, are you not worried that your friends tag you as fag because you are having lunch with us?" I asked him, briefly glancing at the football team table.

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