72. Joshua, Kenny and Hans.

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"Mr. Harold, I want you to give me a detention," I told my math teacher as I stood in front of him. He immediately stopped eating his salad and looked up at me with a frown.

"What are you doing here, Mr. White?" he asked me in confusion. "For god's sake, it's lunch time."

"I want to have a detention," I repeated myself, "What's your price?"

Mr. Harold let out a laugh, surely thinking that I was joking. Though, when he realized that I was actually serious, his smile immediately disappeared and his usual serious expression was back on his face.

"No," he instantly said then but I kind of already expected that.


"Excuse me but I don't give detentions to whoever ask for one. It is supposed to be punishment and it's not punishment when the student actually wants it," he interrupted me when I tried to explain myself. His voice lowered as he added, "And I surely won't give one to you so that you can flirt with Mr. Lois like you did yesterday during your detention together."

"We weren't flirting, we were just...sending little messages to each other," I corrected him while thinking of yesterday's detention. Just like I did with Joshua in the past, Pierre and I ended up writing little messages to each other on paper. I didn't think that Mr. Harold noticed though. He didn't tell us anything about it yesterday nor did he try to stop us. 

"Flirting, sending little messages, however you want to call it, my answer is still no," my math teacher told me.

"Just hear me out," I begged of him. Really, at first, I didn't want to ask Mr. Harold for his help about anything but after those few magical hours with Pierre, I ended up thinking a lot about a lot of things and I realized that I actually needed the teacher to give me a hand. "Pierre currently has no access to his phone and his parents won't let him have some time alone with me. Though, since he has detention for the week, I thought that I could have some quality time with him if I have detention too."

Mr. Harold looked at me in disbelief and he folded his arms over his chest.

"Mr. White, I don't know who you think I am but I am surely not an opportunity for you to have some quality time with your boyfriend," he scolded me angrily.

"Pierre is not my-" I immediately stopped talking when I realized what I was about to say and a smile came on my face. I just couldn't hold it in.

Pierre Lois was my boyfriend.

Pierre Lois was my fucking boyfriend.

That only thought was enough to accelerate my heartbeats. God, it was all real, wasn't it? He was really my boyfriend, right? It wasn't just a stupid dream, right? Some part of me just wouldn't believe that it was all real. I was at the same time extremely happy, scared, nervous and damn, the list was too long. The words weren't enough to describe the emotional mess in which I was currently in.

It was a fucking good emotional mess though.

It made me want to smile, made me want to cry but most of all, I wanted to see my little love. I wanted to kiss him again, touch him again and just thinking about all of this was making my whole body tremble with anticipation. God, now that he was mine, entirely mine, I wanted to be around him constantly, I wanted to do so many things with him, to him, and I just didn't want to wait.

"Mr. White, why are you smiling like that?" the teacher asked me, lost and it brought me out of my thoughts. Though, the smile didn't leave my face. I opened my mouth to reply to him but he quickly stopped me, "Forget it. I do not want to know what perverted thoughts you are having right now. Just get out of here. I would like to have my lunch in peace."

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