69. Another Detention.

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"Stop this."

"Stop what?"

"Stop stressing."

"I am not stressing."

"Yes, you are, and seeing you like this is stressing me out so just stop."

"Hold on, I'm the one stressing you out? How is that even possible? How is that you, of all people, are not stressed out by the current situation? You are supposed to be panicking right now, and I should be the one to tell you to calm down. I mean-"

"Declan," Pierre stopped me in my sentence, looking at me with, surprisingly, a little smile on his face, "Calm down. You are really stressing yourself for nothing right now. Everything is gonna be fine, believe me. This is just a little detention."

"Just a little detention?" I repeated his words in disbelief, "Did I get lost in some kind of parallel universe? You are supposed to say 'oh my god, Declan, I got a detention. Detention! That never happened before. My mom's gonna kill me, my dad's gonna kill me, the whole neighborhood is going to kill me!' Stuff like that."

He rolled his eyes, "That's way too dramatic."

"That's normally how you react to stressful situations."

"Well, this time there is no need to be stressed, really," he assured me and once again, I couldn't believe it, "Sure, it is really the first time that I got myself a detention and sure, my parents are going to be so, so mad at me, but I can't really do anything about it, can I? I mean students get detentions all the time, it's a common thing, so it shouldn't really be that bad, right? I will survive."  

"Pierre, the detention in itself is not the main problem, the reason why we got the detention is the problem!" I exclaimed and he let out a sigh. "You bunked your class, lied to my teacher to get me out of my classroom, then we found ourselves kissing in the janitor's closet-"

"Well, no one, except us, knows that part of the story."

"Yeah, but Mr. Harold sure knows the part where we were nearly kissing in the hallways," I reminded him.

"Key word nearly," he said and I immediately stopped walking.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked him, "Why are you acting like if everything is fine? I'm really worried about you right now but you seem to be taking the situation lightly."

"What else do you want me to do?" he asked me back and he seemed kind of angry suddenly, "I have no control over the situation, Declan. For all I know Mr. Harold has already told my mom that I was hanging around with you during class hours and that we were nearly kissing in the empty hallways. Just thinking about that is terrifying me entirely and I'm trying really hard to not let it show because I know you, and I know that you will try to take the blame like you always do, but I can't let you do that, not again, especially not for my sake."

He then continued to go without waiting for me. I could only stare at him speechless as he walked away and it was only when he disappeared from my sight that I began to follow him. The detention classroom was where we were heading right now and I caught up with Pierre just as he reached the door.

"I wanted to see you," he said then before I could even say one word, "I wanted to know if you were alright. God, I just wanted to talk to you, so I came to get you without hesitating, without thinking of the consequences and you know what, I don't regret it...I do regret getting caught though."

He opened the door and entered the room without waiting for a reply. What was I even supposed to say? I wasn't sure. What was I supposed to do? I didn't know so I just remained quiet and I stepped inside, closing the door behind us as I tried to think of a solution to our current problem. 

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