65. Siblings Reunited.

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Something rare was happening tonight.

Something that didn't happen since quite a long time; my parents were going out for dinner, leaving me with all of my siblings alone at home. Of course, it was not the first time that my parents left the house to go on some sort of creepy romantic adventure, but it was extremely rare for all of my siblings to be at home at the very same time.

"So, fools, how have you all been?" Evil witch, Maryline, asked with a bitter smile on her face. She was sitting on the couch, one leg on the other, a glass of wine in hand. Did my parents know that she was currently drinking one of their most expensive wine? Absolutely not. 

"Can I go to my room?" Big jerk, Emile, asked in boredom, his eyes fixed on his mobile phone. His attention had been focused on that thing since the beginning of the night, "I have some important calls to make."

"Sorry, but your multiple girlfriends will have to wait. Tonight is siblings' reunited time!" Big meanie, Stella, replied to him and she let out a drunken laugh. She was sitting next to Maryline on the couch, playing with her hair while the other hand held her own glass of wine. Those two both thought that it would be fun to steal the wine of our parents for tonight. They wanted to relax apparently and it was a surprise that Emile hadn't joined them in their little drinking session.

And people dared to say that I was the bad kid in that family.

Really, what was I doing here?

Minutes ago, I was being quiet in my bedroom, not bothering anyone, trying to not let my presence be known to the world. I was in bed, going through my phone's gallery, looking at old pics while remembering the good old times. I was at peace. Though, now I was stuck here with no possible way of escaping this hell hole. I knew for a fact that it was never a good thing to have the five of us all together.   

"You suck, girls," Emile said with a sigh and he locked his phone before letting it fall on his lap. His eyes traveled around the living room before falling on Kenny and I. He smirked. "Declan, Kenny, quiet as always," he commented and I rolled my eyes.

Kenny happened to be sitting beside me. Just like me, the poor one just wanted to remain in his room and do his own little things quietly, but he was forced out of his comfort zone and brought here in the hot flames of hell with the pale imitations of Satan.

"Oh, little Kenny, you are so, so cute," Stella squealed in delight, "You are getting cuter and cuter as time passes."

True enough, Kenny was the little cutie pie of the family. No one would ever beat him on that aspect. Even when I was younger, I was not as cute as him, none of us was, and Stella liked to point that out each time she would see him. I remembered that when Kenny was like one or two years old, big sister Stella would always take him in her arms, exclaiming how adorable he was and how much she just wanted to eat him all.

I remembered finding that weird and creepy.

"Thanks, Stella," Kenny said hesitantly with a light frown coming on his face. He never really knew how to react to Stella's constant praise for his physical appearance.

"Oh! Now that I'm thinking about it, how is your girlfriend doing?!" Stella questioned in excitement and Kenny's eyes widened for one split of second.

He actually broke up with his little girlfriend like a really long time ago but I guessed that I was the only one in our family that knew about that little piece of information. I did not know how Kenny managed to do that but he succeeded to keep his breakup a secret from everyone. It was a good thing though, because knowing our family I knew that they wouldn't be pleased to learn about Kenny's breakup, and they would surely search to know the reason behind Kenny's choice.

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