2. Stop Following Me!

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I was really a lost case.

I was, again, watching Pierre from afar. I just couldn't resist him. He was like a magnet and he attracted me to him each time he passed by me. He was like a drug that I have became addictive to and staying away from him was becoming harder and harder for me to do.

That would explain why I was following him around right now. He was walking in the nearly empty corridors of the school at seven in the morning. This show how much Pierre loved this place. He always came here really early with his mom. I didn't know why he came here so early as there was nothing to do before school start. Sometimes he would stay with his mom in the library helping her putting the books back to their place or sometimes he would sit down and read his book at his usual table.

But sometimes, like right now, he would walk around the school like a lost puppy, looking around. He was normally alone as nobody in their right mind would come at the high school so early to keep him company. Obviously, there was some people there but Pierre didn't talk to them so the little priest's son was alone until his friends arrived.

But why I was here at seven in the morning would be a good question and the answer was evident: because of Pierre. Apart from his reading times, it was nearly impossible for me to get a time alone with Pierre. He was really popular here. His nice side and good looks made everyone loved him and kissed the floor where he walked. 

He was so friendly that he was always surrounded by people during lunch and he was always helping people around. A teacher asked him to do that, he did, a helpless girl asked him for help, he helped her no matter who she was, a club needed help with something, he went to help them even thought he wasn't in this club. Pierre was really a multi-tasker.

So you see, I couldn't get him alone unless I came to the high school more early and that was exactly what I did. I came here early this morning and here was my little love walking alone in the corridors. He still hasn't noticed me since I started following him. I think that he was too lost in his thoughts and I was grateful for that.

Since he learned that I liked him, two days ago, he has been running away from me each time he saw me and I found it useless for him to do so. We lived in a small town and news traveled fast. No matter where this news came from everyone would know about it within hours and my little kiss with Pierre in the library also traveled fast, really fast. As if everyone didn't hate me enough before, now I was sure that they wanted to burn me themselves instead of waiting for me to go to hell to burn.

Now each time I tried to approach Pierre, I had a bunch of boys and girls coming in front of me to stop me from getting any further. This show how hard it was to be gay. What was harder for me was that I was the only gay teenager in this religious town. But I wasn't going to let myself down because of this. I had Pierre. Even thought he didn't want to see me or say one word to me.

I watched him as he turned a corner and I quickly followed behind him. I was going to talk to him today and nobody was going to stop me. The threat that I got from his mom was not going to scare me. I was a strong boy and no matter how hard my ass would be beaten if I approached Pierre, this was not going to stop me from having a small talk with my love.

"Pierre," I called out his name, waving my hand in the air. He stopped walking and looked back with a frown on his features. As soon as his eyes fell on me, they widened in disbelief. I continued to walk towards him, a smile on my face at the sight of him, while he looked at me with wide eyes. I was nearly near him when he turned around and ran away for his life. "Wait!" I shouted at him, running after him.

Damn, Pierre was fast, really fast or maybe it was the adrenaline in his veins right now that was doing effect. But one thing for sure, there was no way in hell that I would let this little boy ran away from me. I continued to run after him but I didn't go at full speed, I kept a good distance between us. I was going to wait till he tired himself with all his running to approach him.

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