37. Exams.

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I was missing Pierre.

I was missing seeing him. I was missing talking to him. I was missing his voice, his eyes, his cute little smile. I was missing all of him. Damn, how long had it been since I last saw him or talked to him?

Exactly four days and hell, that enough proved how much of a pathetic and craving guy I could be at times.

"Oh, my sweet, sweet love," I whispered while staring at the ceiling of Joshua's bedroom. I was kinda bored with myself. "Joshua, are you nearly done?"

"No, I am not done and I will never be done," my best friend replied with a sigh. "I'm trapped in a never ending circle of misery."

He was kind of exaggerating.

My friend was currently sitting on the floor of his bedroom, while me, I was lying comfortable in his bed. He was revising for the upcoming exams. I should probably do the same but I already did my share of revision for a whole lifetime. 

Mama was kind enough to free me from any work duties until my exams were over and that helped me a lot. Thanks to her, I succeeded to plan my work more properly and after promising myself that I would start my work seriously, I revised for hours and days and hours. It was great for the time that it lasted but then, I realized that I needed a break.

Pierre was supposed to be my break but I preferred to not bother him. He was clear on the subject the last time we talked; no talking and no physical interaction. I accepted his choice, even though, I was completely against it. So to keep me busy, I decided to go to Joshua's house. When I arrived, he was already on the floor, revising so seriously that it was useless to try to make conversation with him, therefore, I went on his bed and about half an hour had already passed since my arrival.

"Don't you have things to revise?" Joshua asked me at last, throwing one glance at me. "Exams start in two days, dude."

"I know," I informed him and I took in a deep breath, "But I have revised enough. I will have a headache if I force myself even more."

"I have a headache," he stated.

"Take a break then, it won't kill you," I told him and he shook his head.

"My whole future is concerned," he declared and I frowned. "I need to do more than just try my best. I need to get good grades, it's capital."

"I'm sure that you are going to do just fine," I reassured him and I sat up straight. "But why do you say that your whole future depends on it?"

"It's because of football," he admitted and he placed down the book in his hands. "Low grades results into getting kicked out of the football team. The coach was clear on the matter. Since the beginning of the year, I'm on the borderline and I need to get up and fast."

Oh, I understood now.

I did not get the chance to see Joshua play a football match yet but I promised him to be there for his next match. I couldn't wait to see him get into action. That sport was really important to him and from what he told me, he wanted to become a coach later on. He wanted to share his passion with others.

"Damn it, those notes are shit," he groaned and he passed his hand in his hair in frustration. I slowly made my way to him like a little baby on a bed.

"Let me see them," I told him and he handed me over what he was previously trying to read. My eyes scanned quickly the few papers that he gave me and I hummed. "I see your problem. I can simplify the notes if you want?"

"Really? You can do that?" He asked me, his eyes literally sparkling and I nodded before getting out of bed to grab a pen.

"I do that all of the time when I have an important test. The teachers give us craps at times," I told him and I started to rewrite everything down on a separate sheet of page. "If I had knew, I would have brought them with me. I wouldn't mind to share."

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