"He isn't my boyfriend," I pulled Laxus back into a hug. "I'm sorry for causing you so much pain—hey! Are you hungry? I just got back from shopping, what're you in the mood for?"

"Hmm, I've never tried your cooking before. Surprise me," he patted my head as I nodded my head and darted towards the kitchen, whipping up a small (yet filling) dish. I got this recipe for this pancit from an old woman who housed me for a night when I was out on a job. I prepared the plate for Laxus as he sniffed the scent, smiling eagerly. Once he tasted it, he startled me, Laxus jumped up and grabbed me by the shoulders. "This is the best fucking thing I've had in days!" He spoke with his mouth full of the thin noddles. It made me happy that he liked my cooking, but when I tasted it...I think I added a bit too much salt. "What's wrong?" He asked as he continued to stuff his face the the egg noodles.

"Nothing, I just added a bit too much salt." I sighed heavily, but shrugged off the flaw and began to consume my lunch. "Not to sound conceded, but this is fucking delicious...despite the subtle saltiness of the shredded chicken." We continued to eat quietly together, it made me happy to bond with Laxus again. He praised me and genuinely cared about me, it made me really happy. I repeat that because I can't put into words of how overjoyed I was to be reunited with him properly. It was just how it was when we were on the road together.

"Thanks for lunch," Laxus patted my head as he gathered his stuff after he helped me wash the dishes and place them on the drying rack. "Promise you'll stop by sometime today or tomorrow?"

"I promise," I smiled softly as he continued to ruffle my hair. "What?" I tilted my head as he twirled my hair with his index finger.

"I miss your short hair, it was cute," he chuckled. I sighed heavily as I crossed my arms. "I'll see you around okay, little sis?"

"You got it big bro!" I pulled him into one last hug as he kissed the top of my head, I'm glad that Fairy Tail was kind of nearby to the town Sabertooth inhabits. once he left, I happily walked into my room and froze as a memory played in the back of my head. I remember Rogue's limp, bandaged, bruised body laying on my bed. My hands covered my mouth as my eyes welded up with tears, I collapsed to my knees and started bawling my eyes out.

• •

"Miss Nana, I can assure you that he's going to be okay," Shelia touched my shoulder as I stood in the corner of my room, watching Rogue sleep on my bed. "He was wounded pretty badly, but Princess Hisui contacted us just in time. If you didn't get him out of that maze when you did, he could've died. You technically saved his life. May I ask how you know Princess Hisui?" She tried to cheer me up by distracting me from Rogue and it didn't really help. "Miss Nana?"

"I met her when I was living with a noble family, we have been friends ever since. And, thank you for healing him Shelia," I smiled softly at her as she nodded her head, exiting the room. Once she left, I slowly walked towards Rogue. I could see him breathing, but his skin was paler than usual. "Rogue..." I whimpered as the flashback of him protecting me popped into my head. "Why?" I fell to my knees and sobbed on the side of the bed, it's my fault for not being strong enough. If I wasn't such a weakling, he wouldn't be in this situation. My left hand was clenched into a tight fist as I gripped the bed sheets, tears poured from my right eye and stained my blankets. He's been like this for almost two days and I've been so worried about him. "Wake up, you asshole!" I screamed into the sheets and continued to curse over and over again. Hours passed and it was getting late, before I could get up from the floor...I felt a hand touch my arm. "Huh?" I questioned as I lifted my head and saw Rogue smiling at me. He was finally awake. "Rogue..." I sniffled as he moved his hand to touch my right cheek, wiping my tears.

"Sorry for worrying you—ah!" He screamed in shock as I straddled his waist and started to shake him by the shoulders.

"You idiot! Why did you protect me!? Did you want to fucking die or some stupid shit? Do you know how much sleep I lost because I've been awake waiting for you!?" I growled at him. "Your stupid fucking action emotionally scarred me you fucker!" More tears dripped down my cheek as he stared at me with wide eyes. "I sat beside this bed for two days waiting for you to wake up!"

"I'm sorry Nana, I didn't know," he brushed my hands off his shoulders and pulled me into a hug. "I'm really sorry for worrying you like that, but I promised the princess that I would protect you. I'd rather get hurt than you, you're my friend."

"I hate you," I hugged him back and started to cry into his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

• •


A/N: Yay, another short as fuck chapter. I promise that the next one will be better than this piece of garbage, but aye thanks for the reads. Please vote because it boosts my self esteem (seriously though, vote if you like this story). And also, I've been working on a Soul Eater fanfic and that will be posted sometime between the end of this month of the beginning of next month, so follow to be notified. Really though, I'm sorry that my chapters are short. I'm also going out of town this weekend and I'll have some time to work on a chapter. I apologize if you didn't really like this one, but I promise you that I'll amp up the story. Since I'm a junior in high school right now, I'm super busy with homework and studying for exams. If you're wondering what classes I have, here:

1. US History
2. English 3
3. French 3 (Oui, je parle un peu français)
4. Forensics (Yes, I'm studying on how to investigate crime scenes)
5. Concert Choir (I fucking love singing)
6. Pre-Calculus

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