Chapter 23: Liberated

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Chapter 23: Liberated

Year: 1497


  The three of us ran up behind Ezio, Niccolò and Paola. I told the mercenaries to stay back a bit just in case any guards come around and see us. I walked up to them and stood beside Ezio. Ezio looked to me and then smiled and then to Niccolò. He just got here as well. The crowd was huge. We did a good job so far.

“What happens now?” Ezio asked

“Watch.” Niccolò said as he pointed a finger to the huge crowd of people.

  We all turned our heads in that direction. We saw the monk up at the entrance of the Palazzo. Trying to calm down the crowd.

“Silence! I demand silence!”

  The crowd started to yell and boo at him.

“What are you here?! Why do you disturb me?! You should be cleansing your homes. Cleansing your SELVES! There are bonfires to feed! Prayers to be said! Penance to be done! You will do as I command! You will SUBMIT!”

  The monk pulled out the Apple. He was going to use it on the people to control their minds. I nudged Ezio.

“NOW!” I yelled

  Ezio pulled out a knife from his back pouch and threw it at the monk’s hand. It gave him a clean-cut on his hand, causing him to drop the Apple. The monk grabbed his hand and started to yell as the crowd went over and picked him up. Probably bringing him to his death. I looked around. La Volpe started to run with the crowd and so did Paola.

“Find the Apple, Ezio! It can’t be far . . .”

  As soon as La Volpe said that, a guard came running towards the Apple and picked it up and started to run off. Ezio and I both started to run towards the guard running. I noticed quite a few guards after us. I pulled out my sword, getting ready to fight. I ran beside Ezio.

“Ezio! I will distract the guards. Go get the Apple!”

  I stopped as Ezio continued to run. I put up my sword and was getting ready to attack the guards. There were about eight of them all around me. I put my sword away and got out as many knives as I could and started to throw them at the guards around me. I got four. Only four more to go. I pulled out my sword and went into first stance. Two guards attacked me at once. I stepped back, causing them to injure one another.

  They both took a few steps back as I put my sword away and took my hidden blades and stepped between them and extended my hidden blades. Aiming at their necks. As soon as I stepped back. The last two guards have fallen to the ground and I saw the mercenaries. I smiled at them and nodded to them. I started to run off in the direction of where they have hangings. I knew that would be where they would have brought the monk. Once I got there, I saw the group of Assassins. I jogged over to them and tapped Niccolò on the shoulder.

“What is going on?” I asked

  Niccolò shrugged his shoulders, “I do not know, we followed the crowd here. There is no sign of-”

    I turned in the direction of the noise. The crowd was getting angrier and angrier. I could hear the monks cries.

“God bears witness to this sacrilege! That you would handle his prophet this way! Blasphemers! Herectics! You’ll burn for this. DO YOU HEAR ME? You’ll BURN!”

  They put the monk up on a wooden pole and tied him to it. Underneath is a pile of hay. They were going to burn him to death. The worst way someone would leave this world. Is to burn alive. You feel every bit of pain there is to offer and then you take in one last breath of smoke and die. Even to us Assassins, it is a harsh way to leave this world.

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