Chapter 10: Carnevale

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Chapter 10: Carnevale

Year: 1486


  We walked into the place. I looked over to my left to see Antonio with a glass of wine in his hands and kissing a whore on her neck. Two girls sat beside him and Sister Teodora was standing a few feet away just watching. Making sure that he was enjoying himself. We walked around the corner of the screen and stood in front of Antonio and the whore. I walked over to Sister Teodora and gave her a small and quick hug.

“Antonio. We need to talk.”

  He looked a bit confused because Ezio was wearing the mask and he was probably also starting to get tipsy. I looked over to Ezio and then Antonio. Ezio removed the mask he was wearing. That’s when his senses started to kick in.

“Ezio!? –Ezio Auditore!”

  I took a step back so Teodora could get a glimpse of Ezio. She looked towards him for a second before she looked back to Antonio. He motioned his cup towards Ezio.

“Teodora, meet the most . . . ahem. . .” Antonio leaned back on the sofa and put his arm around the whore he was just kissing “talented man in all of Venezia!”

  I rolled my eyes. Antonio was close to drunk. I crossed my arms. I took another step back not wanting to get into the middle of his drunken state. Ezio turned to face Teodora. He bowed.

“Madonna . . . ah! ‘Sister’ Teodora . . .”

  I rolled my eyes again. Men, they can only think with their dicks. She nodded her head. Ezio looked over to Antonio and took a few steps closer to him. He pointed a finger at him while speaking.

“I never imagined you as a religious type.”

  Antonio just laughed and took another sip of his wine. I shook my head at him.

“It depends on how you understand religion, my son. It’s not just men’s souls that call for soothing.” Teodora spoke

“Aha, come! Join us, Ezio! Have a drink! Meet the ladies!”

  He looked over to the whore on his right. Next thing we know, there is a scream from a girl and a thief running through the building. We all turn around to see what has happened. A female started to scream at the thief.

“Murderer! Butcher! He sliced Lucia and stole her money!”

  Teodora took a few steps to examine what had happened. There was blood on both girls and blood on the floor. She turned to look at Ezio.

“So -Messer Ezio- Let’s see just how talented you are. After him!” She pointed to the door and Ezio was on his way, before he made it out the door I spoke up,

“Use your pistol; you will save another from dying.”

  He nodded his head and was out the door. I looked over to Teodora and then out the back door to the bloodied girls. I looked to Antonio who didn’t look amused one bit. I sighed and then walked over to the dead girl. I knelt beside the girl.

“Io sperare quello morte arrivare breve. Requiescat in pace. [I hope that death came quickly. Rest in peace.]”

  Teodora walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to her and she nodded her head. I picked up the girl as Teodora took a few steps back. I walked inside and set her on the table top. The three girls that saw it happen and the two that were with Antonio circled around the dead girl and mourned. I backed away from the dead girl and let the three others mourn. I stood beside Teodora. I looked over to her.

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