Chapter 22: The Apple, Found

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Chapter 22: The Apple, Found

Year: 1497


Ezio and I started to head up to the gates when we saw the group of guards.

"Merda! [shit] How are we supposed to get in now?" Ezio asked

I looked up to him, shook my head and then looked back to the guards. For someone I trained, he sure was stupid at some points. I looked around and saw a group of monks heading in. I took a step behind Ezio and pushed him to the group. He started to walk with them but looked back. I gave him an 'I'll meet you inside' look. He turned around and went off. I looked around, now my turn to find a way in. I could just wait for the monks to come back around. I looked back to the gate and saw a different group coming out, I'll go with them. Once they were standing right in front of me, I slid into the group and heading inside and past the guards.

I slid out from the group of guards and saw Ezio sitting down on a nearby bench. I quickly jogged over to him and sat down beside him. I put my elbows on my knees and put my hands out and folded them in front of me. I kept my head down low. We are notorious. The new Pope doesn't really like us and would pay good money to see us dead. I looked around and the only guard's in sight are the ones at the gate. Ezio leaned closer to me.

"So, what now?" he whispered

I looked around once more and then leaned my head towards his, "From here to the bridge, will be chaos. Guards will be everywhere." I looked up to the roofs, "I would say take to the roofs but I am guessing that they probably doubled their men." I looked around again and went back to looking at Ezio, "The only thing you can do is stay out of the guards way and blend with the crowd. It is our best bet."

Ezio looked around and then back to me, "What about you? Are you not coming with me?"

"No, it is too risky. If we are both notorious, the guards will only spot us easier than if we went different ways. I will meet you at the bridge. Niccolò should be there waiting for us."

Ezio nodded his head. We both got up from the bench. Ezio looked down to me.

"Be careful. I do not want to see you hurt."

I smiled at him as I started walking away from him. With my back facing him I said, "I cannot keep a promise I cannot make."

I started to jog off as I heard Ezio sigh and say, "Jessica, you are still the same."

I didn't have to turn around and ask him what he was talking about.

I already knew.


I jogged over to Niccolò. When he saw me, he smiled. I went from a jog to a walk when I was getting closer to him. Once I was over to where he was, he greeted me.

"Salve, [hello] Jessica."

I nodded my head and then turned my head to look behind me. Ezio was not here yet and I was starting to worry. I looked back to Niccolò and gave him a half-smile and a nod. Niccolò looked around and back to me.

"Where is Ezio?"

I looked around myself and didn't see him in sight.

"I do not know. We went separate ways."

Niccolò nodded his head, "Smart choice."

I looked to him and then turned around to see if Ezio made it here yet. He still wasn't here yet. What happened to him? Did he get caught by the guards? I looked around again. He has to be close by. He has to be.

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