Chapter 3: Defeated

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Chapter 3: Defeated

Year: 1485


I gulped. Why did he have to wake up now?! I kept a finger on the page I turned to and shut it. I turned around to face Ezio. I gave him a fake smile and nodded my head saying I had acknowledged his greeting. I turned back around and opened up the book. I started to read the paragraph when I could hear him getting closer to me. I put up a hand to stop him and then closed the book with my finger marking the page.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, so you do speak English."

"Sì, why wouldn't I?"

"Perhaps because you spoke to me in Italiano when you saw me."

"Ha! Saw you! More like save your stupido culo! [stupid ass]"

I turned back around and went back to reading the page I was reading. I read a line before I heard him get closer to me. I huffed and turned around again. Closing the book on my finger a little harder than what I should have.

"What do you want?!"

"Why are you here? How did you know where to go?"

This time my anger towards him settled. I was hurt. My face relaxed and I could tell he noticed because he came up to me and tried to comfort me. I put my hand up to stop him before he touched me. He took a step back and I looked away. I took in a breath and then look towards him.

"You . . . you don't remember . . . ?"

"Remember what?"

"Non ci credo, [I don't believe it]" I whispered to myself as I looked to the floor

I lifted up my head and then looked him right in the eyes.

"Nulla, [nothing] go and speak with Mario. He wants you."

I turned back around quickly and then went back to reading. I could still feel his presence even after he left. I turned around to do a quick look to see if he was still here and I just misheard things. He wasn't there, but why did it feel like he was? I shook my head to clear my head and looked back to the book. I started to read it and then started to look through the book even more. I turned to a page near the end. Something caught my attention.

Harees Bint-La'Ahad,

Born in Masyaf. Lived in Acre. Died in Italy.

Harees was one of the first female Assassins to join the Creed. Her father; Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was Mentor of the Creed.

Harees moved to Cyprus in 1257 and lived there until her death, ten years later. Born to fight, died fighting. Harees was known as a fighter and a good leader just like her father. Her brother Darim, died shortly after.

Harees had two sons and a daughter, all of them grew up in the Creed. Her husband, Sage vanished soon after her death.

Before she died, rumor has it that her father gave her his old robes. She took them and gave them to her eldest son who passed it down.

There was only a bit about Harees, but, something clicked in my head as soon as I read her name. What was it that clicked? Her father is Altaïr, the statue I couldn't stop looking at. There was also something about him that clicked inside my head. It was the robes for him and the name for her. I closed the book and put it back where I found it. I took a step back and looked at the books. I couldn't find any more that stood out to me. I turned around to head out and go to my room. I took a step out of the library when I heard Mario call my name. I sighed and ran down stairs.

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