Chapter 19: The Orsi Brothers

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Chapter 19: The Orsi Brothers

Year: 1488


Ezio and I got off the boat and headed towards Caterina and Niccolò. There was a group of guards standing around them, wanting to keep Caterina safe. I stayed behind as Ezio jogged towards them. I was walking a few feet back, trying not to get noticed. When Ezio reached the two of them, Caterina turned to look at Ezio.

"Well, well, look who it is."

"Madonna." Ezio said seductively

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I slowly walked up to the group.

"I thought when we met you were a bit special. But, an Assassin, hmmm?"

Caterina purred looking Ezio up and down. I rolled my eyes again as I approached the group. Niccolò nodded his head towards me. I nodded my head. I looked over to Caterina and Ezio. It looked as if they would just strip of their clothing then and there. I shuddered at the thought and walked over beside Ezio. Caterina quickly looked over to me and then smiled. She put her hands out for a hug. I smiled and then hugged her. The look on Ezio's face was funny. I had to stop to contain my laughter.

"You know each other?" Ezio asked pointing between Caterina and I

I nodded my head, "More than you know."

Caterina hooked our arms together as we started to walk off into Forlì. Niccolò walked beside Ezio. Caterina looked back to Ezio and then we started to walk.

"Walk with me, caro. [darling] You're going to love Forlì! The cannons in our cittadella alone go back a hundred years."

She unhooked both of our arms but I stayed beside her.

"The artifact will be quite safe there."

There was a pause before Ezio spoke up.

"Forgive me, but I've never heard of a woman ruling her own city before. It's very impressive."

I rolled my eyes. Only Ezio would say such a thing to get in bed with a woman. Caterina knew these tricks. I knew she was smart enough to make Ezio really beg for what he wanted.

"Well . . . it was my husband's before, of course. He died."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

I was trying to contain my laughter once I heard Ezio say that. I put my hand to my mouth and covered it. I looked away so Caterina didn't know I was trying not to laugh.

"Don't be. I had him killed."

That stopped my laughter. I turned to look at her with a serious look on my face. Was she serious?! I stared at her for a long moment before Ezio said just what I was thinking.

"Oh . . ." with a bit of shock in his voice

Ezio cleared his voice. Niccolò kind of looked to me for a second. I shrugged my shoulders and then he went on to explain the situation.

"We discovered Girolamo Riario was working for the Templars. Making a map of the locations of the remaining Codex Pages."

"I never like the goddamned son of a bitch anyway. He was a lousy father, boring in bed, and a pain in my ass. --" Caterina said with hatred in her voice

We continued to walk for a moment before we saw people running our way. They all had panic looks on their faces.

"Look--" Niccolò said as we started to run ourselves to see what was going on

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