Chapter 55

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~Jane POV~

Everyone in life make mistakes. I got pregnant, but once I saw my son's face when he was born, I realized it was the best thing I ever did. Mothers love to keep their kids close, and they don't want them to be in danger so they keep them home and try to raise them and care for them. You wake up everyday just to see your kid's face, and- I feel like... sometimes you have to let go.

Every mother comes to that day where they let go, for a few seconds, just a little time for the kid to breathe. And the older the kid gets, the longer you have to let go. Well, this was my first time letting go since his first day of pre-k. And- when I let go, I realized that I couldn't get him back.

"Babe, come here." Harry said and hugged me. I shook like a scared puppy in Harry's strong arms. I just got the call that my kid was lost in another country, and most likely stolen by his own grandma. How do I handle this? I can't.

"I just- I just knew I shouldn't have let him go." I said shaking my head. "I knew it."

Harry held onto me and wasn't letting me go any time soon. I felt like a kid myself, scared and afraid. Worried. And if God forbid James isn't with his grandma, who knows how worried James may be. We heard a loud knock on the door.

"It's open." Harry called out. In came Eleanor, and she covered her mouth once she saw the condition of sadness I was in. She bent down and hugged me tightly. Harry stood up and watched us, as she sat down and took his place.

"It's ok." She whispered. A few seconds later in came Louis.

"Did they find him?" Louis asked. Harry didn't answer, he just swallowed a lump in his throat and gave Louis a cold, lonely stare. Louis noticed me wrapped in Eleanor's arms crying, and his mouth shaped like an 'o'. Louis bowed his head, and all you could hear were my whines and calls out to James that he couldn't possibly hear.

Eventually, Zayn and Perrie arrived, and we all sat around me like I was on display on some art museum. They stare, they squint, they try to figure me out, feel what I feel. But no matter how hard they try, they can only feel what they see.

I get a call from Niall, and I grab my phone like it's food and I haven't ate in days. I press the green button on the screen and my hand shakes.

"Hello?" I whisper.

"Jane?" Niall asked. I could tell he's been crying.

"Any good news?" I asked, a nervous wreck. Niall stayed silent.

"What? What happened to my boy?" I asked.

"Nothing, that we know of. Just we haven't heard from him still, and it's been hours." Niall explained. I covered my face and began to cry again.

"I'm coming." I say.

"You can't come to Ireland-" Niall say.

"My son is lost and probably scared! I am coming to Ireland!" I yell. Niall stayed silent, he knew I was strong and I made up my mind.

"Ok, bye, I love you." Niall said and hung up the phone.

"Love you." I answer and hang up. I could see Harry glaring at me after saying I love you, but I had better things to worry about. I wipe all over my face, trying to get tears and depression off.

"I'm going." Eleanor said.

"So am I." Louis added.

"We're going!" Perrie said sitting in Zayn's lap at the near  by chair. She squeezed his hand as she volunteered to tag along. Zayn nodded in agreement.

"This is crazy, but I mean it's an emergency." Zayn explained.

"We can take the private jet." Harry said. And that we did.


~Niall's Mum POV~

 I sat at the hotel room desk as James played with his toys in the bed. I searched on my ipad for flats in London.

"Their probably looking for him." I mumbled to myself covering my mouth and adjusting my glasses.

"Their probably thinking I'm a criminal." I said. I glared over at James who sat still playing. I looked back down at the ipad.

"We're too close, their going to find us. I need to go to the nearest atm and go farther. I'll go in Chris's checking account. Yes." I smiled and giggled to myself. I searched on the ipad apartments in Hawaii.

"Yes." I mumbled. "Cheap, and it's worth it." I smiled and looked over at James.

"Have you ever watched Lilo and Stitch James?" I asked with a huge smile.

"Who's Lilo?" James asked. I guess shows are different now from Niall's time.

"Ever heard of Hawaii?" I asked and sat next to him on the bed clasping his hand.

"No. Who's Hawaid?" James asked. I laughed, my palms sweaty.

"No, Hawaii, it's a place. And I want to take you and I to it." I smiled.

"But what about London?" James frowned. "I had so much fun touring today."

"Forget about London!" I waved. " Hawaii is much better, plus you saw everything."

James frowned and thought for a second. Then he smiled at me and nodded. We soon got our stuff packed and checked out in the hotel lobby. As James and I left the hotel he tugged on my shirt.

"Grandma- I mean Mummy." He called. I looked down at him.

"Yes?" I said holding his hand as we went to the car.

"When is Daddy coming?" He asked. I frowned, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy everything is Daddy. I am getting annoyed with this.

"He isn't coming in a while." I snapped. "So forget about it."

I could see James mood sink, he was really counting on his Dad coming. He bowed his head and pouted his lip.

"Oh come on, don't pout." I said shaking his hand trying to cheer him up. We arrived at the car and I put our bags in the trunk. Then I opened the door and James crawled in his car seat. I began to buckle him in.

"We had so much fun today right?" I asked. James nodded, but he still felt sad. He clutched his spider man toy in his hand.

"Well, just think of how much fun we are going to have in Hawaii!" I cheered him up. James shrugged, and I frowned.

"James, I'm sorry. Daddy just can't come right now." I said, then I got out of the backseat, shut the door and went in the drivers seat. And we drove away to the airport.


~Jane POV~

We began getting on the plane, and before I stepped inside I looked around. I looked in the sky and saw the hilly horizon. I hoped I got to my son safe, and I hoped my son was safe. But one thing I did know is that I was going to see my son whether I make it alive or not.

I guess that's the thing about life, you have to take risk. Even if it's as simple as getting onto a plane. Because, if you don't take risk- your just going to wonder what if. And if you don't take risk, you can't get what you desire. Right now, I desire my son. And I'm going to do anything go through any obstacle to get him.

And I guess that is what love is. Love doesn't always have to be husband and wife, or sex- love is just caring for a person so much... you'd risk everything... all your money, time and even your life to save them. To put them in safety. My mom always told me, sometimes you gotta jump in, no matter if the water is freezing cold or steaming hot. If you don't jump in, you'll never know. And that's what I'm going to have to do tonight, jump in.

I smiled to myself and got in the plane. We all boarded the plane and we sat together. I sat next to Harry, resting my head on his shoulder as he had his arm around me. Across from us was Eleanor and Louis and next to us was Zayn and Perrie. We then the plane took off. And I closed my eyes, and imagined hugging my son.

"Jump in." I whispered.

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