Chapter 52

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~Jane POV~

I woke up in a big bed with pillows all around me and the sun in my eyes. I realized that I was in Harry's bedroom and I smiled to myself remembering last night. I felt myself laying on something and it was a condom wrapper.

"Fantastic." I mumbled to myself and threw it out of the bed. Then I saw a note next to me on one of the pillows. I read it.

To my lovely Jane,

Had a good sleep? Lovely. You must be cold, and your clothes are in the wash. I'm sorry I can't be there, I have to record a few tunes. But, I left one of my shirts out for you to wear on the chair in my bedroom, and breakfast is in the fridge.

Love you dearly, Harry

I smiled at the note and put it down. I got out of bed, and went over to the chair in his bedroom and got his shirt that was ironed and neatly spread across the chair. On the shirt I saw another note.

Dear Jane,

I couldn't just stop at that one lousy  note, so I decided to write you another. Open the bedroom door, I have a surprise for you. But remember to wear my shirt, I hope to come home to you in it.

Love, Harry

I put down that note and put on his shirt. Then I opened the door and there were red rose pedals leading to the fridge. I smiled as my bare feet hit the peddles to the fridge. I opened it and there was a crusant. I took it out and ate it, then I relaxed in the living room for hours. Just chilling, and waiting for Harry.


~Niall POV~

I went downstairs in my mum's house, and then I saw James eating breakfast. He had bacon and eggs.

"Hey lad." I said patting his shoulder and sitting down next to him. Across from me sat my father.

"Morning Niall." My mum said putting a plate in front of me.

"Mornin'" I said digging in my food.

"Morning." Chris said reading the newspaper.

"Morning." I answered and I ate. James gobbled down his food also, and my mum hit me on the side of my head.

"Niall!" She hissed.

"What?" I asked with a full mouth. She hit me in the head again.

"Mum!" I whined.

"Stop acting like a child! You have a child now! Grow up! Stop being disgusting and eating so fast, and don't talk with food in your mouth! And tell your son to slow down! How is he gonna know right from wrong when your doing wrong yourself!" My mum complained. Then she started to yell a whole bunch of stuff in Irish.

"Maura, Niall is a grown man..." My father argued.

"No he isn't! Look at him! Look at this!" My mum said coming over and grabbing my chin and moving it.

"He's a baby. Baby everything. He still has his baby face. All he can do that grown ups do is make babies and wipe his own ass! He can barely do that!" She yelled.

"It's his kid he can raise it the way he wants to!" My father yelled.

"Ok, well his mother obviously isn't teaching him the right thing!" My mum yelled.

"Just leave him and the kid alone, their guest!" Niall's father yelled.

"Guest! He is family, he is going to be treated like family! And you keep saying let him raise the kid the way he wants to! Suppose the kid grows up to be a poof (Homosexual)!" Niall's mum yelled.

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