Chapter 42

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~Jane POV~

"I'm happy you guys decided to visit us..." I said to Harry as he helped me unpack groceries in my apartment kitchen. James is four years old now, about to start school. I am single, and Niall always pays visits, even if he has to come alone... he still takes time out of his day to spend it with his son.

"I'm sand man!" Niall said in a big goofy sand man costume. James loves spider-man, so Niall bought a sandman costume and a spider-man costume for him and James. Niall shook his body and hit his too big fake sand fist together.

Harry and I laughed at them playing.

"I will defeat you sandman!" James yelled squirting out imaginary webs from his wrist. Niall acted like he was wrapped up in webs.

"Oh no!" Niall said as he tumbled over, making a huge thump on the floor. Sometimes these little hero games get out of hand.

"Ok sandman and spider-man, the salmon is ready." I said with a smile taking their plates from the salmon I just cooked.

"Yay!" James said running to the kitchen table.

"No, out of the costume, then come and eat." I said with a plate in each hand then started walking to the table. I suddenly stopped in my tracks as James ran to the bedroom.

"Make sure you put on clothes after you put on your costume!" I yelled after him.

"Awww!" James yelled from the bedroom as I heard him taking off his costume.

Harry chuckled shaking his head as him and Niall sat at the table. I put the plates on the table then looked at Niall.

"You too sandman, change..." I said making Niall get up from his seat at the table and go into the bedroom.

"You have two kids huh?" Harry said with a smile.

"Six." I said putting more plates on the table, Harry laughed at my remark. Then he started to dig in his food.

"Wait for them." I snapped sitting down at the table next to Harry.

"This whole mum thing really rubbed off on you." Harry said as he chewed the pieces of salmon in his mouth. I chuckled has Niall and James came in the room hand in hand. Niall is such a nice sweet heart, but we never dated after James's second birthday. I mean we have found ourselves snogging from time to time, but so has Harry and I.

Niall and James sat at the table.

"So how was your day at school?" I asked James, I just picked him up from school a while ago. James put on a frown.

"I was afraid you were going to ask that." He mumbled.

"What happened?" Niall asked, looking extremely worried. James picked at his salmon with his fork.

"Someone is bothering me. And they push me. They gave me this boo boo." James said and lifted up his shirt. My eyes trailed over to Niall.

"What?" Niall asked.

"What do you mean what? Didn't you just help him change? You didn't see the big bruise on his stomach!?!" I snapped.

"He had his undershirt on!" Niall snapped back.

"Can we stick to the situation at hand? And that's coming from me." Harry said then put the handle of his fork to his lip, looking at James to continue talking.

"Ummm..." I said glaring at Harry and Niall, in confusion.

"Who is bothering you?" I asked with worry.

"His name is Mr. Henderson." James said with a frown. Mr. Henderson? Harry almost had a heart attack, he quickly slammed his fork on the table.

"Henderson? His name is Henderson!?!" Harry yelled. He shot up from his seat. James made a frown.

"Stop Harry, your scaring him." I said, I looked at Niall who was in deep thought with a scowl on his face.

"Now sweety, his Mr. Henderson... a teacher?" I asked James. He nodded with a pout.

"He helps Mrs. Hilery." James said putting his hand on his stomach then wincing.

"Listen, James." Harry said kneeling down next to James with a serious face.

"Tomorrow, Uncle Haz and Daddy are going to come with you and Mommy to school tomorrow morning." Harry explained to James holding his arm.

"They are?" I asked, but Harry ignored.

"And your gonna be a good lad and tell us who Mr. Henderson is... right?" Harry asked.

"Don't hurt him! Please just don't hurt him!" James pleaded.

"Who said I was going to hurt him?" Harry asked, James bit his lip.

"Harry stop-" I said but James cut me off.

"He said if I tell anyone he gave me my boo boo, he will hurt Mommy." James said, then he started to cry.

My heart dropped at those words. Why would Henderson hurt me? Harry's face was disgusted, and so was Niall's. Harry looked at Niall, and Niall gave him a nod. This can't be good.

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