Chapter 38

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~Jane POV~

I pulled away from Harry and looked at the ground clutching my stomach.

"I know, that kiss wasn't right. I don't deserve you." Harry said, but I ignored him. All I could think about is the contraption that was going through my body.

"Jane, love, please speak to me..." Harry said, my breathing got intense.

"Harry-" I blurted out.

"Yes?" He asked.

"It's here." I said.

"What? What's here!?!" Harry said with panic.

"The baby! It's here!" I yelled.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Harry said jumping up and down. "Sit down and relax and breathe! Breathe!" Harry yelled then he breathed along with me to help me calm down.

"That's it, breathe." He said to me nodding then he waved his head around to the door. "Liam!" He yelled, like Liam could just magicly do something.


~Liam POV~

I heard a big 'Lmhum' coming from Jane's room. Harry and Jane must be back together and going at it.

"Hear that?" I asked the boys.

"What?" They asked.

"Harry and Jane are having sex. They always make up." I said with a smirk.

"Uhm Liam." Louis said.

"Yeah?" I said laughing.

"Jane's nine months pregnant. I don't even think Harry can get past her belly." Louis said with a 'duh' face. We all exchanged worried looks.

"Could that mean?" Zayn asked.

"No..." I said not wanting to believe.

"Yes!" Niall yelled. Louis's eyes turned in word so he was looking at his nose.

"Gahhh!" Louis yelled with panic waving his arms around. We all shot up from our seats and ran to Jane's bedroom. When we walked in we saw Jane leaning on the footboard of her bed squatting and Harry next to her with a flushed face breathing more then her.

"Help!" Jane yelled.

"Ok, wait what do we do? Do we-" I asked everyone but Jane cut me off.

"TAKE ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!" She yelled. I nodded pointing at her running out to start up the car.

"Forgetting something!?!" Jane yelled once I was down the hall. I swiftly stopped in my tracks and ran back. I helped Jane stand up along with Harry who was still breathing franticly like he was in labor.

"Someone call the father!" Niall yelled.

"He is in Britain!" I yelled.

"No don't! He would be pissed!" Jane cried as we helped her down the hall. We helped her down the steps and we we're making it to the door. Jane was screaming like bloody murder as Niall kicked the door open like he was apart of the swat team.

We helped Jane outside to the car and Zayn opened the door for her.

"Louis! You help her!" I yelled.

"No! I will!" Niall yelled shoving me to the side and taking Jane's arm. I ran over to the passenger's seat and waited for them to go in the car.

"Wait!" Jane yelled.

"What!?!" We all yelled back nervously.

"We forgot my clothes bag! I already have some clothes in my closet in the house!" Jane yelled.

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