Chapter 57

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~Jane POV~

I woke up on the floor and Harry was next to me. I guess I slept on the floor all night. He still smelled like liquor and my face twisted slightly from the stench. I sat up and rubbed my fingers through my hair and lightly shook Harry. He wasn't budging.

"Harry, you need to go... I'm sorry." I say shaking him harder. He finally opens his drunken eyes.

"You have to go..." I whisper.

"You're leaving me?" He asked, his eyes beginning to water.

"No... don't think like that. I will never leave you... you just need to go away right now- before my mum finds you ok?" I said rubbing his hand and he jumped from his scarred knuckles. I sighed and he clumsily kicked off the blanket and sat up. I stood up and helped him stand up.

"Do you have any asprin?" He asked me holding his head.

"Yes. I'll get you some. Just sit on my bed." I said and he sat down. I went to the bathroom and got some asprin and I went to the kitchen and got him a glass of water. My mum still lay on the couch hung over and sleeping, which is good because I can sneak Harry out.

I bring Harry the asprin and the water and he takes it. Then he furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head slowly.

"My car is still at the bar." He says, yet I can see he is not sure.

"You can't drive right now, you will fall asleep behind the wheel. I'll drive you home, and you can pick your car up another time." I say. I drive him home and help him in his house. He sits on his couch and holds his forehead.

"I'm sorry." He says. I frown at him.

"I'm sorry too." I whisper. Then I leave him in his flat. Alone.


I walk down the street that night, and I pass the pub. I look in the window and I see Harry backing down a shot. I quickly go in the bar and approach him. He glares at me, then orders three more shots.

"What are you doing here?" He says, drunk. I sit next to him with a worried look.

"I should be asking you that. I thought we got over this Harry." I say. He smiled at me like I made a joke.

"Are you kidding? I mean what else is there? Everyone is depressed, James is gone. God knows what that leprechaun bitch did to James." Harry explained as the bar tender gave him his shots. He clasped one of the shot glasses in his hand.

"So here I am, washing down reality. Out of my system goes reality, in with the alcohol. Cheers love." He says and backs down the shot. His eyes screw shut.

"Here, have one." Harry says and slides me over a shot. I need to stop this once and for all.

"You know what, thanks." I say and chug down the shot. My throat burns from the unfriendly drink. Harry looks at me with widened eyes and shock.

"What?" I ask.

"I didn't think you would." He says, and takes the third shot.

"How about 14 more?" I shot at the bar tender. She gives me a scared look. Harry's look is worse than the bar tenders. The bar tender hands me my shots and I grab one.

"No!" Harry shots. "Don't drink all that!"

"Why? Remember? Out with reality, in with the alcohol." I say and put the shot to my lips again.

"Do not have that!" Harry says and grabs the glass from my lips. He slams it on the table. "You can't have that."

"But you wanted me to drink..." I pouted, but on the inside I'm smiling.

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