Chapter 36

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Author's Note: Jane's baby in this book, is not the same in the original sleeping with the enemy epilogue, this is a pregnancy when she is 19. The other one was when she is 24. Ok? So Jane's baby didn't just disappear into a black hole in the universe, it will show up eventually.


~Jane POV~

I went home to mum's house after all that happened with the baby for the baby's health. Once I got in my mum's house I opened my laptop and went to Harry's sex tape. I needed the world to know what he did  to me. I went on the E news website and got their contact number.

I eagerly dialed the number on my phone.

"Press 1 to send fanmail. Press 2  to be sent to a producer. Press 3 to report a story." The fake person said. I quickly pressed three.

"E news." A man answered the phone.

"Hello? E news? How I have a story for you." I said.


~Harry POV~

Modest told me I had to spend some time with Taylor in public, so me and Taylor were in a park in New York City. It is December and cold. I never felt America so cold. I guess thats what the boys were trying to warn me, not everywhere in America is warm and goregous.

I haven't seen Jane since the hospital, everyone thought it was best if I give her air. I was a dick, she was one hundred percent right. But lately she hasn't been having sex with me and now I know why. She's fucking pregnant.

"I'm right here..." Taylor whispered in my ear. I slithered my arm around her waist.

"I see you..." I whispered back, and smiled to pretend like we're whispering something sexy.

"Then do something." She said shoving herself closer to me and then she burst out in a fake laugh. I put on a fake grin.

"Come on let's go release doves!" She yelled out tugging me along.

"Wait up..." I said with an annoyed voice but a huge smile.

"Two please." Taylor said to the man who had them. The man put the two doves in our hands.

"To us." Taylor said.

"And sex." I said with a smile. Taylor rolled her eyes, then noticed the paparazzi and smiled. We both counted to three and released them. I slithered my arm around Taylor's waist.

"Kiss me." Taylor whispered in my ear. I gave her a peck on the lips, but just that. She looked pissed.


Me and Taylor finally got my hotel room.

"Finally I don't have to pretend to be madly in love with you..." Taylor said in a big exhale.

"The feeling is mutual love." I said shrugging off my coat.

"Ha..." Taylor said and sat on the couch.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be going home?" I asked.

"I wanna stay a while and watch tv. Problem?" Taylor snapped. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her. She turned on the tv and it was on E news.

"We are back and it is time for what you all have been waiting for. Our talk with Jane Hendricks..." The announcer said. Just at the sound of the name Jane my head shot up. I saw Jane sitting on a couch with the show's host. What?

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