Chapter 32

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~Harry POV~

"Oh my gosh really!" Jane yelled into the phone.

"That's right babe, your coming..." I said smiling, and then looking around to see if anyone was listening. I was in the Modest building hallway breaking the news to Jane. I couldn't wait, but some crazy fangirls still find their way in the building.

"I can't wait to see you..." Jane hummed into the phone. Some how my heart fluttered at her voice, it was so beautiful. I am usually not a guy for soft and lovey dovey shit, but Jane is different. She tames me.... and that's what I love about her.

"Me too Jane." I said with a smile.

"Harry?" A hot girl about a few years older then me came up to me in the hallway. I am a sucker for older women. Her voice was silky and sexy. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my pants on.

"Oh... I'm a huge fan..." She said with a smile. She rubbed down my blazer to the hem of it.

"Uh..." I said, feeling a tad bulge coming onto me.

"Harry? Harry?" Jane called out, but I ignored, too distracted by the beauty in front of me.

"Who's that?" She asked sliding the phone out of my hand.

"It's just..." I said but I couldn't finish.

"He will call you back..." She said into the phone and hung it up. Oh... God.... Help me PLEASE!

"Wait no...." I said trying to do the right thing.

"What?" She said looking into my eyes and slipped my phone into my pants pocket.

"Um..." I said and she took my blazer off of my tense body. She kissed me on my neck as I leaned against the wall. I didn't do anything, I was still trying to decide whether to give in or be the good guy. I'll be the good guy. She started sucking my neck. I'll be the bad guy.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Call me mimi..." She said and we went into the nearby janitor's closet.


~Jane POV~

"Harry? Harry?" I said.

"Who's that?" A woman asked.

"It's just...." Harry said.

"He will call you back." The woman said into the phone and the line cut. I looked at the phone in confusion.

It wasn't... it couldn't be... probably just someone from Modest. Harry wouldn't cheat on me... He loves me... he said so... I'm going to have his KIDS! I mean, he said I would... our daughter Darcy. Why do I have such a weird feeling?

I rang in into the bathroom because I felt sick in my stomach. I vomited into the toilet. Could I be pregnant? I vomited some more. After many minutes of puking, the puking finally stopped. I walked into the bedroom and picked up my phone to call mum.

The phone rang and rang and FINALLY she picked up.

"Hello? Jane? This better big good, I have a big case." My mom said, she is a lawyer.

"Yes I know but, I think I'm pregnant." I said into the phone. Instantly my mum yelled into the phone.

"How do you know!?!" My mum yelled happily.

"I don't! That's why when your coming home please stop by for pregnancy test..." I said.

"Oh no I bought some already."  My mum said.

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