"How are you?"

"Good. Withdrawals are a bitch though. And I miss being out in the real world because being here is almost like being in some weird mix of hell and paradise," Dallas explained. "I miss being with everyone, especially Lola. But I'm getting better and my therapist says that if I stay on the right track I'll be able to leave in about two months."

"Dal, that's great. I'm so proud of you, you honestly have no idea." Demi wrapped her arms around her sister. She just wished she could make as much progress in her personal growth as Dallas was making, but she knew that it wouldn't be that easy.

"I actually don't feel like partying. Isn't that funny? I used to love to party," Demi said as Jhene just rolled her eyes and finished fixing her hair. Since her new single was coming out, her label decided to rent out Vixen, the popular nightclub, for her and all of her celebrity friends. It would premiere at midnight and hopefully everyone would be tweeting about it. But Demi didn't feel like going to a club and partying until the break of dawn, even if her new single was coming out. She kind of just wanted to stay home.

"Once you get there, you'll want to party. Trust me," Jhene said, puckering her lips in the mirror before turning away. She grabbed her clutch as Demi finished fixing her shoes before they both left her house to head to the club.

Sean swished his drink around in his cup as he waited for Demi to arrive. After the speech that she had given him about wanting to work on herself and be a better person, he was surprised she had agreed to a party in a nightclub to release her new single. But maybe the new and improved Demi still liked to party.

Demi strutted into the club with Jhene by her side and scoped the place out. Everyone that she knew was there and then some. No one that she didn't like was there so that was a good sign. Hopefully it would be a drama free night.

"Alright tonight we're celebrating Demi Lovato's sexy new single! Demi, you wanna do the honors?" The DJ questioned as Demi nodded and walked on the small stage in the front of the club.

"It's been a long road but the one thing that has always mattered the most to me is my music. So here's my new single, Body Say, and I hope you all enjoy it!" Demi exclaimed, smiling as the opening beats to the song played and everyone immediately began to move to the music. Jhene grabbed her hand and led her to the center of the dance floor, both of them moving their hips to the song and laughing at the fact that she actually put out a song like this with a nude photoshoot to match.

"Someone is eyeing you from the bar," Jhene whispered into her ear as they continued to dance. Demi was just gonna ignore her until Jhene grabbed her hand and turned her towards the bar, gesturing to the golden skinned God with the bleached hair that was smiling at her. And it wasn't a cocky smirk like Trey or a lopsided grin like Drake, it was a real, charming smile, his teeth practically blinding her from the across the club.

"Who is that?"

"Odell Beckham Junior. He's one of Trey's friends. He's a football player for the New York Giants," Jhene explained as the song ended and everyone cheered. Demi moved through the crowd to get to the VIP section so that she could talk to Trey. It was time for him to be her wingman. She knew that she was gonna be new and improved, but having a few drinks and dancing with a guy definitely wasn't a crime.

"Hey Trey," Demi squealed, plopping in between him and Sean.

"What do you want?" Trey questioned as he rolled his eyes.

"I want you to introduce me to your friend...Odell. I saw him downstairs at the bar," Demi said as Trey shook his head.

"Introduce yourself. And you know he's friends with Drake too, right?" Trey huffed as Demi shrugged. She didn't care about Drake and his friendships. It wasn't like she was trying to date Odell. She just wanted to have some fun.

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