(16) Laxus x Reader ~ She Still Cares

Start from the beginning

Shortly after waking up, (Y/n) told what had happened and that was the last she spoke. Not a single word has left her mouth since the tragic day and no one can blame her. The death of an entire team can take a toll on someone, so they left her to grieve. Laxus, who hadn't formed the Thunder Legion yet, didn't truly understand what it's like to lose an entire team but knew enough to feel sorry for her.

Now, Laxus is determined to revert (Y/n) back to her original self. He goes up to her every time he finds the chance to and talks to her. He tries to convince her to join his team or someone else's, but she always shakes her head and sullen expression looms over her. He has even invited her to go on a job with her, but she declined wordlessly, though she did follow his shortly after he left the guild.

What she doesn't know, is that Laxus had grabbed a difficult S-Class job request that hasn't been touched for a little over a decade. The job Laxus had grabbed is the same job that cost the lives of (Y/n)'s teammates and has still remained untouched. (Y/n) quietly follows the blond and makes sure to check the path before he gets there and looks out for any danger trailing him.

As he gets closer and closer to the destination, realization hits her like a train. Sickening memories flash through her mind as she struggles to keep up with Laxus. The nightmares that plague her sleep have awoken and are now terrorizing her awaken mind. (Y/n) bites down on her tongue to keep from screaming at the hallucinations of the ghosts of her teammates accusing and blaming her for their death.

The hallucinations die down and slip away into the daylight when she stops, seeing as Laxus stopped as well. The blond enters the small house belonging to the elderly women who requested for a mage to help her. The old woman's eyes widen when she sees only one mage step through the door and into her home. She questions him and asks for the whereabouts of his team. When he explains that he's alone, the woman shakes her head and begs for him to come back with a team. It becomes Laxus' turn to shake his head and he reasons with her, saying how the team who was first sent to eliminate the monster only has one remaining teammate who's alive.

A small 'o' forms at the old woman's mouth upon hearing the emotions channeling through the mage's voice. She realizes the man's intention to avenge their deaths and hesitantly agrees. From outside, (Y/n) is cursing at herself for not looking at the request paper that he'd chosen. She didn't even spare Laxus a glance when he politely asked for her to join him. She now regrets the decision and realizes that she'll have to compromise her hidden position to help or save him.

~Time Skip~

Laxus is having trouble with keeping the rabid creature at bay to land a solid hit on it. He's thrown back when it swings it's smelly, matted arm and smacks into a nearby tree trunk. The large beast shakes the ground as it stomps over to the significantly smaller human.

Right when Laxus closes his eyes, a large, (f/c) ball of energy hits the creature, sending back and away from Laxus. Laxus opens his eyes and is confused when he sees the rabid beast about a dozen of feet away from him with singed fur. He sees a small shadow casted on the floor and looks at the opposite direction of it to see a cloaked figure standing on a high branch. Usually, he would want to yell at the mystery helper to leave and to let him deal with it alone, but Laxus knows that he alone is no match against the creature.

Low, guttural snarls make (Y/n)'s eyes shift from Laxus to the once dazed lump of matted fur. It's eyes glow red with anger as it charges at (Y/n) with a burning anger. The beast is smart enough to figure out the the figure standing on a high branch was the one who attacked him and not the small male who it had knocked away.

A familiar of energy forms at the stranger's hands and is casted towards the charging beast. Laxus silently gasps when he recognizes the magic possessed by the person under the cloak. He is baffled by the strength of (Y/n)'s spell as it burns off a patch of fur from the beast's chest. (Y/n) has been practicing over the years, that much he knows, but he didn't think that she'd be as powerful as Gildarts or the Thunder Legion combined.

A heated battle wages on right in front of Laxus as he can do nothing but stare in shock. (Y/n) blocks the creature's path every time it gets within a 10 ft. radius of Laxus. The protective action drains her magic power immensely and weakens (Y/n) in a short amount of time. She suddenly looses consciousness from lack of power and falls of the branch she was perching on seconds ago.

Laxus snaps out of his trance and catches her in the nick of time. He gently sets her against the tree and continues on with the fight for her. Knowing that she was watching over him the entire time and had jumped in to save him gives him the strength to fight on.

~Time Skip~ After the battle is won

Not knowing what to do, Laxus brings (Y/n) into his home and places her on his bed to rest. He changes out of is torn clothes, wearing a fresh set identical to the previous ones, and sits himself on the couch to take in the events that had taken place a few hours ago.

When he had taken off (Y/n)'s coat to check for wounds, a huge wad of papers spilled out of one of the inside pockets. He recognized all of the papers as the requests of all the jobs he and the Thunder Legion had gone to do after the death of (Y/n)'s team. Putting two and two together, Laxus realizes that the odd presence he's felt all that time was (Y/n) following them like she had done today.

Despite all the rumors and gossip that has been spreading about her, Laxus now know that she does care. Maybe not as openly as others show it, just in a secretive way.

She still cares about him. Even after all those years in seclusion.

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