Kassandra Ch.14

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Ch. 14: The End

Kassandra rolled over on her aching side. A jolt of pain in her head had woken her up. Klaus was no longer beside her. There were four people standing around in a loose semi-circle. She hissed menacingly. The people didn’t flinch. One of them even had the nerve to chuckle at her. That one was definitely Mikael. She could recognize that degrading laugh anywhere.

She tried speaking but a thin red line spilled out the corner of her mouth. More blood was inside her throat choking her and making it hard to breath. Kassandra’s vision was also slightly blurred. She tried talking again, this time around the blood.

“What do you want Father.” 

Mikael chuckled again. “Nothing of you. Lucie only sent us for Nicklaus.”

Fear gripped Kassandra in its icy hold. Lucie was a Fallen Angel. She had chosen Mikael and his children to become her immortal companions when Mikael saved her. She had turned all of them, even twelve year old Hope, into the Original Vampires. Lucie was the reason Kassandra and Klaus were hybrids.

“What did she want done with Klaus?”

Mikael shook his head. “Please, Kassandra, do not talk. Conserve your energy. Even in death I wish you to be strong.”


“Shhh.” Mikael said putting his index finger to his lips. With his other hand, he pointed to a pile of bones near them. It was Niklaus. She let out a blood-curdling scream that would have busted the eardrum of any human nearby. Michael nodded to Armand. He gagged Kassandra with a cloth soaked in acid. It burned her mouth and made tears form in her eyes. 

Mikael kneeled beside Kassandra. “You have no idea how much or how often I wished for you to be my real daughter Kassandra. You were such a strong, beautiful, amazing child. I loved you as my own and treated you as my own. It was never your fault that your mother was a whore. If there were a way around this, I would find it. But Lucie has assured me that the curse Armand’s family placed on you and Klaus can not be broken.” He kissed her on the top of her head. She could have sworn a she felt a tear splash in her hair. "The moonstone was a lie."

Then they were all gone, leaving Kassandra to die alone staring at her twin’s bones.

She shut her eyes waiting on her impending doom. She could see Klaus. He was in the field where they had first promised to be with each other forever.

I’m waiting for you Kassandra. You are my one love.

Kassandra let all of her sadness flow out of her in a waterfall of tears. She had fucked up majorly. If she had not been so careless, it would not have led Armand and ultimately Mikael to them. No matter what anyone said, she knew that was what happened. She had acted like a monster and now she was going to die like one.

“Kassandra!” Elijah’s voice was far away and echoed against the cave walls, but he was close. “Damn we were to late Damon! The bastard got to her before we could fucking get here!”

It shocked Kassandra to a degree to hear Elijah curse like that. He was generally so refined and moral. But when he got mad… well, that was a completely new ball game. Elijah sat down beside her with crossed legs, putting her head in his lap. He would do that when they were human and Kassandra was sick. He would stroke her hair and stay with her until she fell asleep. Now he would get to do it again. Only this time Kassandra would not be waking up.

Damon looked down at the two of them. “I love you Kass.” He whispered.

Kassandra shook her head and tore the acid soaked cloth from her mouth. “No. It isn’t me. You love Elijah. Remember when you were Farid? Our slave? Please, remember.”

And remember Damon did. He remembered all of the stolen moments with Elijah in any secluded place they could find, all the times Elijah had kissed him, and all the times they had begged Kassandra to keep their secret. She had always come through for them.

They had been star-crossed lovers in a time when homosexuality was frowned upon even more then it was in current times.

“Klaus.” Kassandra said. “I can see him. He’s waiting on me at our field. I can even hear him.”

Elijah took a shaky breath. “You can go to him now. It is alright.”

Kassandra smiled weakly. “Not yet. First, promise me that you will take care of the little ones. Rebekah included. Second, promise to love Damon. Don’t push him away no matter how much you may feel like it. Thirdly, kill Michael. I want him dead.”

“I promise.”

Kassandra nodded. Then her body turned to ash in Elijah’s arms. Only her skeleton was left now. Elijah let out a loud sob. Kassandra was gone forever now. He was wrong when he thought having Klaus dead would be worth having Kassandra dead. There were no words to describe how Elijah was feeling. It was like a piece of his heart was empty now.

Damon wrapped his arms around Elijah in an effort to comfort him. Elijah didn’t push him away. He was going to keep the promises he made to Kassandra. Including killing Mikael. One day he would hunt down his father and drive the sacred dagger through his cold heart. But for now...

Elijah turned his face to Damon's and pressed their lips together. He was never going to push Damon away.

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