Kassandra Ch.8

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  • Dedicated kay All of my wonderful readers

Kassandra Ch.8: The Powers That Be

She couldn't hear a thing. All she could see was bright uncomfortable white light. She could feel what seemed to be soft feathers beneath her.

In the distance thunder rumbled dangerously. The thunder sent a shock of fear rippling down her spine.

"You are not finished yet." A familiar man's voice whispered like a gentle caress. "You must continue to live."  Something touched her heart. It sent a searing warmth coursing through her veins.

Elena bolted upright and Jeremy put his face in his hands. “Jer, what is it?” Her voice came out low and sultry sounding. Elena was shocked; it didn’t sound like her voice at all.

"You- you were dead. Then there was this, like, bright flash and now... oh, God." Jeremy looked up at his sister cautiously, then looked back down at the floor. "You look like her Elena."

Her? Elena moved closer to Jeremy who shook his head vigorously. "Look in a mirror!" He exclaimed. She complied to Jeremy's wish to ease his worries. What Elena found scared her to the core.

Brown eyes had been replaced with wise blue ones; her dark tresses were now beautiful blonde locks. And her skin. Elena's dark toned skin was now a soft peaches and cream color.

"Holy hell!" She whispered. "I'm Kassandra."

One thing was painfully clear in the moments that followed the Gilbert Childrens' initial shock. Some magical force had brought Elena Gilbert back from the dead. The forces that be- whatever they were in this case- were not done with her yet.

"Who could have done this?" Elena asked turning to Jeremy. But Jeremy wasn't there. He was at the door in front of Elijah. Elijah wasn't alone though; there were three people with him.

Elijah peered past Jeremy to Elena. "I see it worked."

Elena lifted her chin trying to be assertive. "Tell me what you did Elijah."

"Isn't it obvious my dear?" When Elena didn't answer Elijah sighed and continued. "I brought back Elena. I made you look like my younger sister."


Elijah smiled. "Step two of my plan to get Klaus." He glanced beside him then back at Elena. "Elena, I don't believe you have had the pleasure of meeting the rest of my siblings."

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